Design Custom Themes for your All-New Adobe Captivate Projects with the Theme Builder!

In this video, I show you how to navigate the Theme Builder for the All-New Adobe Captivate and create your own theme for the All-New Adobe Captivate (version 12). If you need to identify fonts on a company website, use the WhatFont Chrome extension. I also use the Microsoft PowerToys Color Picker tool for determining colors from a company website.

Opening Classic Captivate Projects

open classic Captivate projects

HOW TO Create courses using Quick Start Projects

Make Popups for Your Adobe Captivate eLearning Projects

How to add buttons that open popups with additional information in your #AdobeCaptivate #eLearning Projects:

Share The Contents of Variables Between Two or More Captivate Projects

In this video, I will show you how you could share the contents of variables between two or more Adobe Captivate eLearning projects. In this example, I’m storing the student’s name from the first project in local storage and recalling it for the additional module. This way, your student doesn’t need to type in their name each time.

How to Add Accessibility Name and Description in Adobe Captivate Projects

#accessibility #adobecaptivate #project #screenreader #alttext

How to add language to Object Level in Adobe Captivate Projects

How to add language to Object Level in Adobe Captivate Projects

How to add language to Adobe Captivate Projects

How to add language to Adobe Captivate Projects

How and Why Need to Enabling Accessibility in Adobe Captivate Projects

How and Why Need to Enabling Accessibility in Adobe Captivate Projects

Adobe Captivate – 360° (VR) Projects

Here I show you the steps to creating an immersive 360° project, also known as virtual reality, in Captivate.

Adobe Captivate – Audio in Your Projects

Here I show you the steps to using audio in your Captivate files. This includes background, slide, and object audio and the various ways to set up each.  

Custom calculators in projects

A question about creating and inserting unique calculators in captivate