Articles with tag : execute javascript

This Responsive project based on fluid Boxes in
classical Adobe Captivate demonstrates the integration of JavaScript within
Adobe Captivate to create an interactive eLearning experience focused on option
pricing analysis. By leveraging JavaScript, u...
Introduction to JavaScript for Timer DesignJavaScript is a powerful and
widely-used programming language, making it ideal for creating on-screen timers.
One of its strengths lies in its ability to handle time-based events through
functions like setTi...
Since I upgraded to Captivate Classic, my Multi-SCO Packager does not work. I
cannot launch the Packager from inside Captivate, but must use the File Manager.
After launching and entering the Identifier, Title and Version, I return to the
main screen...
I need JavaScript code to require tap and hold (of at least 800 milliseconds) on
select click boxes in a Captivate project. If the learner holds the finger or
mouse on the click box, only then will it proceed to the next slide. I have used
Chat GPT t...
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Hi all, Was looking for information about automatic scrolling in Captivate and I
came across this post about using a Javascript code that would automatically
scroll when a learner clicks a button. This was sort of helpful but I was
wondering if there...
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In this entry - we bring to you a classic Logic Puzzle on the topic of
gymnastics. This is a single puzzle that does not randomize but can be attempted
multiple times if one so chooses. In this 4 x 4 logic puzzle, you will have the
ability to click e...
With the release of all new Adobe Captivate 2023, instructors have the
feasibility to author E-learning content with the ability to scroll vertically
apart from the traditional slide based method. The feature allows authors to
stack content blocks an...
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