Articles with tag : "Screen capture software
I'm using Captivate 12.5.0 and have created a simulation training. Each slide
has one click box with unlimited attempts. I have enabled success and failure
captions, but they only appear on screen for a very short duration of time. How
can I adjust t...
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Hello all! I have created a project with the recorder:I thought there would be
an option to export to video (MP4), but there isn't. Can someone help me with
this? Best regards, -Adrian
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What can I do to get the first Click is been shown in the output file. I changed
the position of the click, change from single click to douple click, change the
timing, choose the click off and on but every time the first click is only
sounded but it...
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This article provides a review of research on mobile collaborative language
learning Published in 2012-2016, aimed at improving understanding of How Mobile
Technology has been used to support collaborative learning between second and
third parties Fo...
Online applications have become an essential medium in today’s world of the
internet and applications to educate anytime, anywhere. The global market for
eLearning is estimated to be worth more than 457.8 billion US dollars in 2026,
and ...
Hi All, When I try to import a file from classic, the new version doesn´t even
find the classic files. Is this a BUG? Regards Stuart
In today’s digital age, eLearning has become a vital tool for education and
professional development. To streamline your learning processes, Make a Calendar
offers seamless integration with Adobe products, providing efficient and
user-friendly solut...
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Thanks in advance, I have tried everything and am unable to resolve. When
creating the Software Simulation in all new Captivate I am encountering the
following: It does not appear to be capturing text input or automatically
generating text input fiel...
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Hi there. When importing a screenshot (.jpg of 800x1280) into CpC and reducing
it to 600x1024, the quality of the image is fine. But when setting it to the
slide background, the quality of the image degrades. Please note that the
quality of the backg...

I'm using All-new-Captivate the latest version. When recording simulation form
within the project, the recording screen showing radio buttons, only given me
the choice to choose one option (demo, training, assessment). On the other hand
if I record f...
Adobe Captivate Version I am creating a Software Simulation. I have
selected a custom area. I have set the Panning dropdown to "No Panning". When
the simulation completes, it does keep panning. How can I stop this? I want to
show the whole ...
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SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) software is a cornerstone of
enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business management systems globally.
Given its complexity and extensive use in various business functions, effective
training on SAP is cru...
Hi, I am trying to get used to the new Captivate, I made the transition from the
2019 version, but having a really hard time. When creating software simulations,
it used to be possible to add additional highlight boxes, shapes and click
boxes. Howeve...
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Hi I am creating simulation videos and some of the slides have a long space from
the start of the slide until the audio starts. How can I trim away these parts
of the slide?
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