Articles with tag : Self-paced

Apologies if this is the not the right place to ask, but I'm going crazy looking
for some simple text-based instructions on how to do stuff with the new Adobe
Captivate. I hate watching video, particularly when you don't know what they
cover, adn the...

I have started my first Captivate project. Responsive Interactive with 6 slides
(so far anyway, this will be a large project eventually) While there are a huge
number of on-line tutorials for CpC and they have proved to be helpful,
unfortunately they...
Setting up a new external group, such as for your Board members, and ensuring
they are automatically enrolled in specific courses upon registration is a
common requirement in Adobe Learning Manager (ALM). This can be efficiently
achieved using Learni...
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In Adobe Learning Manager, administrators have the capability to download
detailed enrollment or learner list reports for each learning object, such as
courses, learning paths, or certifications. These reports contain essential
information that aids ...
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Are you looking to enhance your control over learner enrollments and automate
the closure of courses at specific times or dates? Here’s a comprehensive guide
on effectively managing enrollments and auto-retiring courses to streamline your
A waitlist in VILT session courses is a list of people who wants to attend the
session that is not immediately available but may be in the future. When
learners clear the waitlist, they are automatically enrolled in the course; they
don't need to enr...
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We have several people taking this course. Based on who is taking it, we send
text information to display content through variables. Now we need to be able to
display their logo. So this is a dynamic image that needs to be set at runtime.
How can we ...
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In the realm of eLearning, the significance of effective communication cannot be
overstated. As educational platforms endeavor to engage learners in meaningful
ways, email conversion emerges as a vital tool. By employing strategic email
marketing tec...
Social learning is a valuable tool for organizations that want to cultivate a
learning culture and retain their younger workers. In today's workplace,
companies that do not invest in social learning programs are likely to lose
their ability to attrac...
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I am trying to update a course that was created in Captivate. There is a video
in the course that needs to be edited. I need to delete/remove some video and
make the audio match-up. Does Captivate have the ability to make such edits or
am I going to ...

Our company does not have a LMS today. How can I publish captivate projects from
PowerPoint in a way that users across my company are able to view the training,
click to advance slides, and access the final slide with a link to a quiz? I've
tried pub...
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Hi, I am new to the world of ID, I have a background in digital media
production. Which involves video editing, graphics animation, and audio
recording for TV and film. I am planning on working remotely full time and I was
told that I could put my sk...

Do I have to convert my video files to MP4 format myself or does Captivate do it
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