Articles with tag : css
Whenever I use Cp's navigation in a project (overlay or not), they appear on the Start Screen. See screen shot. - orange nav buttons at the bottom. Anyone know how I might remove them from this screen entirely? Cp 2019 Publish as scalable ...
Hi, Can someone recommend JavaScript, HTML and CSS books for beginners that would be a best fit for Adobe Captivate? I keep researching but do not find anything in particular. However, if anyone can recommend any books that were of great help to you...
Hi all! I'm working on a software simulation project in Captivate 2019 (latest release) and I have a floating menu that sits on top of the sim to provide instructions as well as forward/back/exit buttons. My challenge is that I have a sim where there...
Hi everyone, I'm working in Captivate 2017 on a responsive project. What I'm trying to accomplish is take a piece of code which 'zooms' (translates position and scale via GSAP API) images via one function that targets all images by whether or not the...
Introduction: a few weeks ago I made a video (that you can show again at the bottom of this page) showing a way to make a splash screen (Poster image) for responsive projects. The picture used in this demonstration worked with all the screen sizes bu...
REVIEW? Not a complete review, I need more time to explore some of the features. Not yet 3 weeks is insufficiente, especially since I already coached a training which included some of the new features. For long-time fans, who are used to my treasure ...
This is the fifth and final part of the series for adding a slider to your project that will update your variables. If you have not seen the first four, you may want to get caught up.Part 1 – IntroductionPart 2 – HTML and CSSPart 3 – Adding File to t...
OK, so in the last post, ( ), I shared a small project with two working sliders to set some variables for a sales tax calculator. If you have not seen that yet...
OVERVIEW I recently worked on a project where 'balance' was an underlying theme to the learning. Without going into too much detail about the content, the learner needed to place several 'statements' into categories and through this process of catego...
When it comes to accessibility, people usually first think of closed captions and alternative text. But a major issue often overlooked is the importance of keyboard focus. There are individuals out there who are unable to use a mouse and rely exclusi...
Captivate's scrolling text widget only allows you to specify a single appearance for all the text displayed by the widget. All the text is one font, color, size, etc. I've always needed to use the scrolling text box because I put it on any slide that...