Articles with tag : customize learning interactions
The dreamy milkmaid_v16 (1)
Hello, When trying to add an audio asset - either using the left panel or the 'add audio' from the right, the assets preview will not show all the audio assets, some will show also the time length and some will not. You can preview play only the asse...
This project is narrated and supported by synchronized graphics. Interaction is included through flipcards, but mainly via knowledge checks and a two question practical assessment. Quiz remediation is also included (i.e., use of return to quiz functi...
This module explains what coaching is and what types of problems, whether personal or professional, it can help solve. It also shows that there is scientific proof of its effectiveness. Coaching can help you move forward better and faster. Why depri...
Dear friends,Here’s another Captivate template I glad to share for free. It contains 5 clickable images designed as dominoes flies. The user must click on them to reveal the additional information in pop-ups.The template is created with Adobe Captiva...