Articles with tag : hot spots
Can we insert both the image and audio on the Onclick hotspot image
INTRO Recently I posted an example project, showing the result of this workflow and explaining the goal.Automatic Hint after 2 wrong hotspot clicks. - eLearning ( blog post explains the setup elaborately, because the original user was n...
INTRO This short blog post is created to answer aquestionin the Adobe forum about clicking an interactive object with multiple attempts. After two wrong clicks, the Retry message should be replaced by a Hint message. There are multiple workflows poss...
I have a 360 slide with 4 hotspots. Each hotspot is set to "must view once" and the slide is set to "Exploratory." For some reason, it is forcing me to review them in a particular order. How do I change this?
Ok ladies and gentleman my first attempt at a kind of show and differentiate. The aim of my blogs will be a strong focus on Captivate VR projects using Images or video. As an Adobe education trainer I took the first course in VR in the classroom and ...