Articles with tag : while conditional action
1. Please login to Zoom Marketplace ( 2. Click The “ Develop” Dropdown and select “Build APP” (attached screenshot below ) 3. Select Server-to-Server OAUTH APP (attached sreenshot below )4. Once we select “Create”, the clie...
Is it possible to create a Ken Burns type effect on a video in Captivate. Here's what I'm trying to achieve. I am trying to create a software simulation where I can zoom into a section of the screen, pan to another section of the screen, zoom in a li...
Hi, I got a problem with last version of captivate 2019 (Windows 10) and the function PAN and ZOOM. I would like to know if somebody else as this problem cause the support chat online could not help me for now (maybe they write to me in few days). In...
PREREQUISITES To understand this article, you need to know how to create object states, how to create a variable, and how to create conditional actions based on multiple accordions.CONTENT Below, I present an idea of how to 'zoom' an object with the ...
No.. Currently this functionality is not available with content published from Captivate.
Another question: I've imported a 360 image. Is there a way the user can zoom in and out of the 360 to explore it more carefully? Thanks,
I'm used to zooming using the scroll wheel on my mouse. However, Captivate uses Ctrl+ and Ctr-. Is there a setting in preferences where I can enable zooming with the scroll wheel?
In this video tutorial, I show you how you can use effects in Adobe Captivate to create the effect of a baseball card flip. For example, on one side of the card you have the image of the baseball player and on the back side, you have the player's sta...
In this Adobe Captivate QuickTip, I demonstrate the workflow I use when adding a trim edit when I want to maintain an existing pan and zoom.
INTRO In a first article about timelines, I described the common features: timeline ruler, playhead, eye button, lock button, control panel and the tiny icons at the bottom of the second column of the Timeline panel. This post will explain the more s...
In this video, I show you how to use the Zoom-In feature in your Adobe Captivate Video Demos.