I’ll be speaking at the European eLearning Summit 2008. The conference will take place at the Nottingham University from August 19-21.
From the conference site –
“Built on the history of the popular EuroTAAC Authorware and eLearning conference, EeLS is bigger and better than ever before. With quality presentations from eLearning professionals sourced from across Europe, EeLS has detailed and up-to-date information useful to all eLearning professionals, from Educational Designers and Developers, through to managers, educators and corporate planners.”
More details of the conference are available at the European eLearning Summit website. You can register for the conference here.
I am speaking on “Creating Engaging Learning Experiences using Adobe Captivate” on the last day of the conference. I am also a co-speaker on “Tips and Trick for Advanced Adobe Captivate users” along with Mark Fletcher. More details
See you there.