September 11, 2008
Board Game Template Posted on-Adobe Captivate Exchange
September 11, 2008
Board Game Template Posted on-Adobe Captivate Exchange

We’ve posted a new Board Game template on the Adobe Captivate Exchange. This template features a board game as the progress indicator for a quizzing scenario. Based upon the user’s responses, the character moves across the board game till the end of the quiz. This template can be used to quickly create eLearning content based on this game – either as a quiz project or as part of a project where the quiz can be represented this way.

Download it now and try it out!

2020-09-24 15:11:11
2020-09-24 15:11:11

The link doesn’t work anymore which is a bummer.  It sounded like exactly what I was looking for.

2018-04-08 10:07:44
2018-04-08 10:07:44


Can somebody re send the link.

I have tried to find this game but have not been successful.

Thanks in advance

2008-12-23 21:52:03
2008-12-23 21:52:03

Hi Michele, You can add questions to the question pools by using the question pool manager (Quiz> question pools manager) or Ctrl+Alt+Q.-Shameer

2008-11-17 06:22:09
2008-11-17 06:22:09

ShameerDownloaded the Board Game but cannot find the “Linked to yellow_1, etc. pool” questions to modify.Thanks

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