October 17, 2008
Vote for the Best in eLearning 2008
October 17, 2008
Vote for the Best in eLearning 2008
Followers: 0 people
eLearning Guild’s 360 Degree report (Jan 08) indicates that 62% of Guild members who use Rapid e-Learning, Courseware Authoring, or Simulations tools- use Adobe Captivate!
Now ELearning! Magazine has invited users to vote for the best in eLearning solutions survey. Please take a moment to cast your votes, and help us win Elearning! Magazine’s “Best of 2008” contest.
We would appreciate your support in the following categories:
11. Best Web Authoring Tool: Adobe Captivate
12. Best Simulation Solution: Adobe Captivate
13. Best Assessment Tool: Adobe Captivate
07. Best Virtual Classroom: Adobe Connect Pro
10. Best Presentation Tool: Adobe Presenter
The deadline is November 1st.
Thanks for your support!
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