January 24, 2009
Adding Right-Click in Captivate movie
January 24, 2009
Adding Right-Click in Captivate movie
Followers: 1 people


Requests to provide the right-click functionality in Adobe Captivate have been a long standing one. The Flash player prevents the access of the right-click and uses it for its purposes. This prevents people from creating simulations of those scenarios where the application being captured required a right-click very commonly used in context-sensitive popup menus.There have been many workarounds on implementing the Right-Click functionality in Adobe Captivate over the years, some of which are listed below:


workaround 1    workaround2    workarouund3


Now you do not need to use these workarounds any more, Adobe Captivate 4, makes this possible out of the box. All you have to do is insert a click  box,  go to  clickbox’s properties->Options->right mouse click




and now this click box will accept right click while movie is playing and perform the action
whatever you have asked for.
That’s not all, if you were capturing a movie in assessment mode, it would automatically generate, a Right-Click Box for every right-click done during capture.


Here is one small demo which shows how would your right-click movie look like.
Points to remembering while working with Right-Click in Captivate 4:


1. Security Setting:   Ensure that the SWF you published is  in Flash Player’s trusted path. If you are publishing to
default folder (%My Document%My Adobe Captivate Project) then you do not need worry about security settings as captivate automatically adds that path into trusted path of flash player.

2. Disable accessibility: In order to make Right-click work you will need to disable Accessibility from
Adobe Captivate 4-> Preferences->Project->Publish settings->Enable Accessibility
3. Right-Click will not work in stand-alone SWF file.
4. PDF and AVI publish: Right-Click doesn’t work in PDF and AVI publish.
5. EXE publish: Right-Click work for AS2 EXE publish but not for AS3 EXE publish
6. Preview (F4/F8/F10):  Right-Click work for AS2 movies but not for AS3  movies
7. Preview (F12, in Web Browser): Right-Click works for both AS2 & AS3.
8. SWF Publish (the standard one) : Works for both AS2 and AS3.
9. Flash Player Version: Right Click Doesn’t work for movie published Flash Player versions
earlier than 8.0


2010-05-14 07:24:36
2010-05-14 07:24:36

What do you think concerning adding some more images? I don’t want to offend anyone, text is really nice. But as I’ve heard people acquire info much more effective if there are some useful pics.Steaven Mainfield

2010-01-26 06:55:59
2010-01-26 06:55:59

Re: Publishing AVI and .EXEI hope someone can help with a challenge. I completed an audiovisual training course in Captivate 4. Each time I publish in AVI I receive an error message that my computer does not have sufficient memory resources to perform this operation. It is also recommended that I check one or more potions in the externalize resource list. I am running 8 gigs of ram. I am also having a challenge getting the .exe file to play as it has a CP attached to the end of the file and computer does not recognize the it. So I am stuck right now. Do you have any suggestions.ThanksSteve

2009-10-23 22:23:29
2009-10-23 22:23:29

First, I have checked and all my settings are correct (no accessibility, AS3, etc.) I have a rather long Captivate 4 project (56 slides). There are 5 instances of a right-click box.The one on slide 11 works but the ones from slide 25 on do not. I have tried copying and pasting the working click boxes, duplicating the working slide and moving it and rebuilding the slide from scratch. It appears that no matter what I do, I can’t get right-click to work after a certain point in the project. Any thoughts?

2009-10-15 01:47:46
2009-10-15 01:47:46

I’ve followed all the steps above (including disabling accessibility), but when it plays the file right-clicking brings-up the Flash player menu (Settings, About Flash Player xx).So, even if I right-click, it brings-up the menu and takes several clicks for right-click to register in the SWF file. How do you disable the Flash player menu?

2009-10-15 01:47:31
2009-10-15 01:47:31

I’ve followed all the steps above (including disabling accessibility), but when it plays the file right-clicking brings-up the Flash player menu (Settings, About Flash Player xx).So, even if I right-click, it brings-up the menu and takes several clicks for right-click to register in the SWF file. How do you disable the Flash player menu?

2009-10-01 04:30:34
2009-10-01 04:30:34

@Allison (April 7, 2009)I had the same problem in the Aggregated project (C4). I found a solution by comparing the single-movie and the aggregated project’s htm files. (Also, a clue from William Heinz in workaround2 at the top.)Two changes to make to the Aggregated’s htm:1. Add the onload=”RightClick.init();” to the body tag, similar to look like this:&LT body onload=”RightClick.init();” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” >2. Change the wmode parameter to “opaque”, similar to look like this:so.addParam(“wmode”, “opaque”);Doing these accomplised: blocking the flash right-click menu; continue to next screen action.@Arif Ali Saiyed – thanks much! You saved much pulling of hair!-Bill

2009-06-09 12:31:38
2009-06-09 12:31:38

Hi Janet,This security setting need to be changed only when you accessing a html page from local ,machine ornetwork path like this .1) c:RightClickforM1RightClickforM1.htm or2) \ShareComputerNameSharedfolderNameRightClickforM1.htmbut as in your case , you have an intrnal website which means you will be accessing it uswing http or https protcol , so you don’t need to worry about flash player setting at all. Right click movie works fine ( without change in flash player security setting ) when hosted on web server.I hope i answered your question.-Arif

2009-05-27 23:34:55
2009-05-27 23:34:55

I create Captivate modules that have right-click simulation. I publish the .swf, etc. to a folder on a shared network drive, so that our web team can link to the .html file on our internal training website. Are you telling me that every user in our organization (15,000+) has to change their Flash Player securities before the right-click feature will work? Is there any work around for this? Am I misunderstanding?Thanks,Janet

2009-04-17 15:08:44
2009-04-17 15:08:44

@Allen Jones:Hi Allen,You are not meetign first pre requesties to get Right-Click work.Security Setting, you are publishing on your desktop, which is not a trustedfolder by Flash PlayerPlease see my reply to Mike’s comment on April 10, 2009 04:38 PM , that explains indetail , How to set up security setting.

2009-04-17 02:05:56
2009-04-17 02:05:56

I cannot get the right click to work in my published movie. I can get your demo to work fine. As per you 9 points fom the article:1. Security Setting: Ensure that the SWF you published is in Flash Player’s trusted path. If you are publishing to default folder ( ) then you do not need worry about security settings as captivate automatically adds that path into trusted path of flash player.Not sure what that means. I am publishing to a folder on my desktop.2. Disable accessibility: In order to make Right-click work you will need to disable Accessibility from Adobe Captivate 4-> Preferences->Project->Publish settings->Enable AccessibilityDisabled.3. Right-Click will not work in stand-alone SWF file.I am launching the swf from the html page.4. PDF and AVI publish: Right-Click doesn’t work in PDF and AVI publish.5. EXE publish: Right-Click work for AS2 EXE publish but not for AS3 EXE publish6. Preview (F4/F8/F10): Right-Click work for AS2 movies but not for AS3 movies7. Preview (F12, in Web Browser): Right-Click works for both AS2 & AS3.NA8. SWF Publish (the standard one) : Works for both AS2 and AS3.I am set on AS29. Flash Player Version: Right Click Doesn’t work for movie published Flash Player versions earlier than 8.0I published to version 9

2009-04-10 16:38:34
2009-04-10 16:38:34

@Chantelle Cuyun,I do not understand your work flow completely.For your information Right-Click SWF, will not work in PDF nor it will work in Power point presentation. Right-Click SWF need Java script to work.Did you try , publishing Right-Click Captivate project to AS2 EXE… ? that’s only case in which Right-Click works without browser.

2009-04-10 16:17:39
2009-04-10 16:17:39

@Mike :Thanks for asking this query, this is the first problem most people encounter in firstgo. and have been asked to many time, so let me explain it in detail.Assumption : You have a captivate project, it has Right-Click, you have published itto default-path … say [My Document][My Adobe Captivate Project]My-Rihgt-ClickScenario 1: You just moved/copied your right-click movie folder to some other folder, be ita on your machine or on some network folder. say the new path is”d:workcaptivate-moviesMy-Rihgt-Click” or”\nework-machine-02workcaptivate-moviesMy-Rihgt-Click”Now when you run the movie in your browser, Right-Click is not working…off course it will not work, as Right-Click uses Flash External Interface, and this new pathis not a trusted path by your flash playerSolution : You need to add this new path to your Flash Player securityScenario 2: You just shared your right-click movie folder over the network ,say the new path for other users is “\your-machine-nameMy-Right-Click-Movie”( or “\nework-machine-02workcaptivate-moviesMy-Rihgt-Click” )and other users are complaining that , Right-Click is not working…Yes once again the reason is same and new path “\your-machine-nameMy-Right-Click-Movie”( or “\nework-machine-02workcaptivate-moviesMy-Rihgt-Click” ) in not a trusted path byother user’s flash playerSolution : other user need to add this path “\your-machine-nameMy-Right-Click-Movie”into his Flash player security setting.How to add a path to flash player security setting?Check this URL :http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.htmlHope that helps

2009-04-10 07:42:27
2009-04-10 07:42:27

Hello,I don’t understand point # 1 about the Security Settings.I published to the default folder and the right-click works. If I move all 3 files ( (html, swf, and js) to another directory and run the movie, the right-click does not work. What do I do now?Thanks,Mike

2009-04-08 01:09:41
2009-04-08 01:09:41

Hello. Would someone be so kind as to share how I can record my screen as one clip? I want no breaks and for my audio and mouse screen activity to play like a movie. I have Iconlogic’s “essentials of CS3”, however I still have this question.Take Care,Jared

2009-04-07 22:08:11
2009-04-07 22:08:11

I have been able to successully use the right-click functionality for a single swf/html movie. However, the right-click feature stops working if I add the movie to an aggregator project (AS2). Any ideas how to get this to work?

2009-04-06 15:25:57
2009-04-06 15:25:57

@Owais AhmadIt doesn’t work in stand-alone means, if you just open swf alone in flash player or web browser, right-click will not work.right-click SWF needs to be in embedded in some html page, which has the Java script code to make right-click work.(This java script code is also published by Capivate)

2009-03-26 22:58:26
2009-03-26 22:58:26

Thank you so much…it worked perfect! Yeah…em so excited

2009-03-26 19:49:13
2009-03-26 19:49:13

“Right-Click will not work in stand-alone SWF file”??Can you please explain this. Do you mean playing SWF file through some web browser?

2009-03-11 21:10:43
2009-03-11 21:10:43

Hi! I am using a trial version of Captivate 4 and have added a right-click box on the first slide of a simulation. It works fine in the preview and when I publish it to my desktop, however, when I try to publish the file to our Acrobat Connect Pro website, I get a warning that it will act as a left-click box if I do not select Acrobat Player 8.0 or above. There is no place on the settings/preferences where I can change the Flash Player version, only when I’m publishing locally is there a place to select the Flash Player version. I see from the “points to remember” on Captivate 4 right-click boxes is that right-click functionality doesn’t work in a stand alone SWF file. I have been working with a department that has their training presentations packaged in PPT and Adobe Presenter 6. It doesn’t seem to work when I embed the SWF file in the PPT file and publish it with Adobe Presenter 6 either. Help! Is there some way I can work around this so the Flash Player menu doesn’t appear when they use the right-click in the simulation? Thanks for any help you can provide.

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