May 29, 2009
Capturing scrollbars no more a menace
May 29, 2009
Capturing scrollbars no more a menace

“I’m creating a demo on how to access a particular website. For distribution reasons I’m using a low res 800 X 600. This means that web pages need a lot of scrolling to navigate them. When playing back, the scrolling happens OK but then the image appears to jump back to the beginning of the scroll so that the mouse movements and text captions that follow are, although in the place they should be in relation to the viewing screen, are not pointing at the right bit of the web page.”

I am sure most of you must have experienced this scenario while capturing scrollbars using Adobe Captivate. Please see the following Captivate movie to get a hang of the issue, which is not exactly an issue but a preference option not utilised…. 

In order to avoid this issue please follow these steps prior to start automatic recording:

  • Launch Captivate and press Shift + F8. This launches the preferences dialog.
  • Browse to recording -> Settings.
  • On the right hand side there is a checkbox capture interim screenshot
  • Uncheck this option. Press Ok.

Now if you start automatic recording and  do the same scenario you would not run into the above issue.

Now in case if you face this issue and you are a position where-in you cannot re-capture then please see the following Captivate demo. This demo shows how to get the correct the slide image during edit time.


var addthis_pub=”shameerayyappan”;

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);
document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));

try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-7747520-1”);
} catch(err) {}

2012-10-13 13:06:00
2012-10-13 13:06:00

Nice information and also thanks for shared such a great information.

2009-08-18 21:54:05
2009-08-18 21:54:05

Yes, Captivate 4, my apologies for the omission. I feel pretty silly now… I figured out the problem, AFTER my post unfortunately. I re-read your entry in the Adobe Forums. I do actually need to use the camera icon button, for Automatic Recording. You mention MMR, but wouldn’t that be manual recording, the button that is directly above the X? I am grateful for your help. Thank you!

2009-08-18 18:26:28
2009-08-18 18:26:28

I assume you are using Captivate 4. On the black strip(on the left top on the recording rectnagle just b4 recording starts), select the MMR icon.It is the camera icon just below the record icon.”In Recording Settings I have nothing selected for “Automatically use full motion recording” ” – THIS SETTING TO PREVENT AUTO-FMRS WHICH GET CREATED AS A RESULT OF MOUSE DRAG AND MOUSE WHEEL ACTIONS DURING Automatic recording.

2009-08-18 06:56:31
2009-08-18 06:56:31

I just want to stop FMR completely. I have this problem when I try to record in Demonstration mode, which I’ve done many times before! In Recording Settings I have nothing selected for “Automatically use full motion recording” and Capture interim screenshot is deselected. I’ve followed your directions here: and still when I start recording all I get is one long FMR. Help please!

2009-06-08 18:35:17
2009-06-08 18:35:17

Thanks for the heads up. I have referenced this post in the help of cp4. You could check it out at:

2009-05-29 14:35:55
2009-05-29 14:35:55

Thanks Manish for this explanation. Interim Screenshot option is one of the rather vague settings in CP4. And from the forum I learned not to be the only one. By experimenting I know the impact on assessment recordings, but the impact on demonstrations is not that clear. Here you explained something about it. Is there nothing more to learn? Is this blog referenced to in the Help of CP4 (which by the way is a great version IMHO)?

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