July 21, 2009
Sending e-mail on completion of a course (without quiz or question slides)
July 21, 2009
Sending e-mail on completion of a course (without quiz or question slides)

Have you ever felt the need of sending an e-mail notification as soon as a course or a captivate demonstration is over. We know about the “Send E-Mail” button in the Results slide but what if there are no question slides or quiz in your project??

Here is how you could do this very easily using the following steps:

1. Add a question slide and then remove the quiz slide so that only the result slide remains. In the result slide delete everything and just have"Continue" and "Send E-mail" butons. Add a caption saying "Click the button blah…blah to send the progress etc."

2. Remove the playbar (scrubber) so that the end user has to go thru each of the slides in the demo project.

3. In the Quiz->Reporting->E-Mail and enter the email id of the person to whom the mail needs to be sent.

4. In this case he shall get an e-mail with the scores showing 0, 0, 0, but he shall get an intimation saying that a particular user has completed the course. But if he wants to make it more readable he needs to change the “email_attach.htm" which can be found at InstallDirectoryAdobeAdobe Captivate 4TemplatesPublish and change the parameters for:

function sendMail()


      var  konq, saf, moz;

      document.emailForm.action = ‘mailto:’ + gstrEmailTo + ‘?subject=’ + gstrEmailSubject

      document.emailForm.elements["Results"].value = "r" + gstrEmailBody;

      konq = ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( ‘Konqueror’ ) != -1 );

      saf = ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( ‘Safari’ ) != -1 );

      moz = ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( ‘Gecko’ ) != -1 && !saf && !konq);



            document.emailForm.enctype = ‘text/plain’;




So, try this to see if its helpful.

2011-01-22 14:11:26
2011-01-22 14:11:26

it was the same with mine..but still it doenst work

2009-10-12 12:11:57
2009-10-12 12:11:57

Very cute :-)))),

2009-10-12 12:11:51
2009-10-12 12:11:51

If you have to do it, you might as well do it right.,

2009-10-11 07:36:47
2009-10-11 07:36:47

Great work,webmaster,nice design!,

2009-10-11 07:36:44
2009-10-11 07:36:44

Perfect work!,

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