July 31, 2009
Text-to-Speech – User Dictionary Editor
July 31, 2009
Text-to-Speech – User Dictionary Editor


Adobe Captivate 4 Text-to-Speech feature gives a Dictionary Editor tool to add or change the pronunciation for a word. This tool is available at <Adobe Captivate Installation Dir>VT<agent>M16binUserDicEng.exe. The default version of this tool is not unlocked. So when a word is added/changed and its pronunciation is tested, it announces that it is a trial license. This post explains how to fix this.

Follow the steps below to correct this problem in your installation –

1. Open the Windows Explorer and browser to the directory where Adobe Captivate is installed. By default it is ‘C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 4’.

2. If the Text-to-Speech engine is installed, then there will be a ‘VT’ directory in this directory. This directory will have directories for ‘Kate’ and ‘Paul’ agents.

3. Go to directory ‘VT/Kate/M16/bin’ directory.

4. Rename the ‘UserDicEng.exe’ as ‘UserDicEng_backup.exe’.

5. Download the new UserDicEng.exe file from here and put it in this directory.

6. Repeat the same steps for ‘Paul’ agent.

Now, you should not hear the trial license message when you add/change the pronunciation of any word.

Quick Tip – We have seen that ‘Create’ is not pronounced properly by the speech engine. So, you can fix this by specifying the target as ‘cree ate’ for this source word ‘create’.

2019-11-15 01:01:30
2019-11-15 01:01:30

Thank you for the detailed instructions.

2013-10-11 17:51:00
2013-10-11 17:51:00

I us Adobe Captivate 7 with the text to speech voices. When I try to start the dictionary editor I get an error message “The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)”. I am running Windows 7 64bit. Have tried to start with all sorts of compatibility modes but without success. Is there somebody who know how to resolve this?

's comment
2013-11-21 05:49:00
2013-11-21 05:49:00
's comment

Did you ever figure this out? I’m using Captivate 7 on Windows 8 & getting the same error message.

's comment
2013-11-21 12:28:00
2013-11-21 12:28:00
's comment

No unfortunately not. In the end I opened the file in notepad and changed it right in there. With the existing lines as an example it was pretty easy for what I needed.

2012-04-07 06:31:00
2012-04-07 06:31:00

Point 5. 5. Download the new UserDicEng.exe file from here and put it in this directory. When I click on here, the page comes up empty. where can I get a new userdicteng.exe file so I can make changes to the pronuncation?

2011-09-02 15:02:00
2011-09-02 15:02:00

I purchased Ivona voices since they are higher quality it appears. I see them in the text-to-speech but when i select generate audio, it play microsoft anne’s voice. Any idea how to get the Ivona voices to work?

2011-08-26 21:53:00
2011-08-26 21:53:00

I just installed Captivate 5.5–I had Captivate 4 before–and I get the licensing message. It is very annoying. Does this fix work for 5.5?

2011-08-19 05:23:00
2011-08-19 05:23:00

Seems the link above is broken. You can download the file from here – https://acrobat.com/#d=XahJkD4GguJK7BhxA0z3RQ . Please rename it with extension as EXE.

2011-08-19 05:23:00
2011-08-19 05:23:00

Seems the link above is broken. You can download the file from here – https://acrobat.com/#d=XahJkD4GguJK7BhxA0z3RQ . Please rename it with extension as EXE.

's comment
2011-09-23 16:59:00
2011-09-23 16:59:00
's comment

I downloaded the file from this new link and saved it with the correct extension. However, I’m still getting the licensing messages.

Also, I’m trying to get a good pronunciation for the word “executable” but not having much luck. Does anyone have the phonetics for this? I’ve searched on the web, but can’t find anything suitable. Thanks!

2011-08-12 13:16:00
2011-08-12 13:16:00

I am using project templates. When I update my VT dictionary with new words, my project does not see the new words. Do I have to rebuild my project template everytime I update my VT dictionary?

's comment
2011-08-19 05:25:00
2011-08-19 05:25:00
's comment

Most likely, you just need to re-start Captivate. This will allow Captivate to load the newly added words.

's comment
2011-08-19 05:25:00
2011-08-19 05:25:00
's comment

Most likely, you just need to re-start Captivate. This will allow Captivate to load the newly added words.

2010-08-19 22:28:08
2010-08-19 22:28:08

I tried downloading the new userdiceng.exe from the link in the post but I am still getting the licnesing message. I am using Captivate 5. The tool works, but it’s annoying (and time consuming) to listen to the message everytime I want to test a word. Can anyone help?

's comment
2010-08-20 18:13:07
2010-08-20 18:13:07
's comment

You don’t need this for Captivate 5. This is specific for Captivate 4

's comment
2011-10-01 00:20:00
2011-10-01 00:20:00
's comment

So what is the license fix for Captivate 5?

2010-03-04 00:18:20
2010-03-04 00:18:20

Have you had any trouble getting the custom pronunciations to work in Cp4? I can make the changes, but, back in my project, even after recreating the audio, nothing seems to change.

's comment
2010-08-05 23:09:33
2010-08-05 23:09:33
's comment

I too am not able to get the changes I make in the editor to apply in my actual projects. I modify the speech, save the dictionary, add new text to a project, generate the speech, and it still pronounces it as if I never made the change.

What give?

2010-02-11 01:56:41
2010-02-11 01:56:41

helpful if the Turkish word dictionary if you can http://turkcechat.org/sozluk

2009-12-30 04:22:27
2009-12-30 04:22:27

I downloaded the new ‘UserDicEng.exe’ and tried. Although I do not get that license message, when I reconvert the speech, the change is not heard? Did I forget a step?

's comment
2011-12-22 05:38:00
2011-12-22 05:38:00
's comment

Did you get this resolved? I am having the same issue.

2009-10-30 11:45:06
2009-10-30 11:45:06

hello,sir…am workig on text to speech software.its very good.and could u get the program codes.

2009-10-27 21:03:31
2009-10-27 21:03:31

I can mail it across. If that is OK, please send me an email at ‘asgarg@adobe.com’.

2009-10-26 22:02:19
2009-10-26 22:02:19

when I click on the “here” to access the download, nothing happens. On a different blog from RJ when I click on the download button it gives me an error. How else can I get the dictionary editor?

2009-10-26 22:01:03
2009-10-26 22:01:03

when I click on the “here” to access the download, nothing happens. On a different blog from RJ when I click on the download button it gives me an error. How else can I get the dictionary editor?

2009-10-01 11:06:13
2009-10-01 11:06:13

q8n9kV I want to say – thank you for this!

2009-09-08 10:18:56
2009-09-08 10:18:56

Hi Vicki,Can you please file a bug report at https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform&product=5 . I will get back to you on this.

2009-09-04 22:16:28
2009-09-04 22:16:28

I can create the new pronunciation but when I save it, there is an error and the new pronunciation can not be used by Captivate. HELP

2009-08-05 09:57:54
2009-08-05 09:57:54

You don’t need to buy it. Put the new dictionary editor as outlined in this post and you will not hear any ‘trial’ or ‘purchase’ message.

2009-08-05 05:04:36
2009-08-05 05:04:36

I am successfully using the Dictionary Editor, It works great! However, I get all of these messages saying that I need to buy it. Where do I go to find the price and purchase?

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