January 29, 2010
Locating the Text-to-Speech voices
January 29, 2010
Locating the Text-to-Speech voices

We receive many enquiries on how to download the Text-to-Speech voices from our site… I have to say the experience can be a little bit of a treasure hunt. For now, RJ, our senior evangelist, has created a quick how-to movie to help users with locating and installing this content:  http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/text2speechdwnld/


2013-06-10 15:34:00
2013-06-10 15:34:00

I have added the text to speech in the slide notes. However when I try to generate audio , it is not happening. How do I resolve this issue?

2012-09-24 21:49:00
2012-09-24 21:49:00

I am using Text-to-Speech in captivate 6. About every other slide, when I publish the project, every other slide’s TTS works – so what do I do to get TTS on all the slides?

2012-08-07 10:46:00
2012-08-07 10:46:00

Hi, can anyone tell me how to set my default text to speech voice in Captivate 6 – I want the British accent as my default? Thanks heaps, Tammy.

2011-02-17 03:16:29
2011-02-17 03:16:29

How do I set a default voice in Cp 5?

's comment
2011-02-18 15:31:51
2011-02-18 15:31:51
's comment

Philip, It remembers the last voice you used.

2010-10-29 23:54:26
2010-10-29 23:54:26

I’m looking for someone to validate if there are more than 2 text to speech voices available to me with Captivate 4.0? We had feedback that Kate is too pitchy and Paul is too monotone. I’m looking to download additional voices under the same licencing we already purchased. Is this possible? How can I do this?

's comment
2010-11-02 04:33:02
2010-11-02 04:33:02
's comment

Maggie, there are only two voices in Cp 4. There are more voices in Captivate 5. It is also possible to add voices on your own in Cp5, however, licenses would not be included. You’d have to purchase licenses separately for other voices, and then install them using the default speech installation process in order for Captivate 5 to recognize the new voices. This only works with Cp5 and of course license acquisition would be something you’d have to work out with the voice vendor. Captivate 5 comes with Kate, Paul & Simon (who speaks in British English.) It also includes Stefan (who only speaks German) and Juliette (who only speaks French.)

2010-07-27 16:28:54
2010-07-27 16:28:54

Same issue as Paul, just started using the text to speech for the first time. Clicked the button to download the voices but takes me to a completely different page than displayed in the video.

2010-07-08 03:33:23
2010-07-08 03:33:23

Just installed Captivate 5 for the Mac – which I’ve been waiting on for years. Immediately downloaded the tts dmg. Pretty unclear instructions for the Mac – but now I have a VT folder – and I did receive a Success message.However – neither Paul nor Kate show up in the list of Speech Management voices. Just Mac system voices Albert, Zarvox, hysterical, etc.

2010-05-17 12:14:53
2010-05-17 12:14:53

The video is outdated, so I can’t find the link to download the Text to Speech function. I’m a bit late on this bandwagon, I suppose. Is there any way someone can just post the link to this?

2010-05-11 01:34:45
2010-05-11 01:34:45

Second Text-to-Speech question: For quiz slides, can the speech be made conditional to the result; i.e., if the user gets certain feedback when answering correctly can the speech match the feedback shown? I would prefer not to create separate feedback slides since my course is working using the mechanism on the quiz slides directly. Thanks.

2010-05-10 23:37:54
2010-05-10 23:37:54

Is there a way to create a pause in “text to speech”. For example, the top of my slide might say “Instructions” and I want to wait five seconds before listing the instructions. Is there a way to do that? Thanks.

2010-05-08 07:06:51
2010-05-08 07:06:51

Can someone from Adobe please tell me if it is possible to download voices with UK or Australian accents. I work for a large government department looking to use Captivate for elearning but find the 2 speech agent option too limiting for us in Aus.

2010-05-05 20:36:15
2010-05-05 20:36:15

Can not get text to speech to work. I just received and loaded the eLearning Suite on DVD. I’ve followed the steps in the tutorial on downloading the NeoVoices from Captivate 4’s webpage but that didn’t work.I’ve tried to get them to load from disc 2 and that hasn’t been successful. I’d really appreciate it if someone could figure this out.Thank you,Susan

2010-03-26 12:15:57
2010-03-26 12:15:57

Hi Gordon,I am Mukul from Adobe Captivate Quality Team and this is regarding the issue you are facing with ‘text to speech voices’ in Captivate 4.Can you please check if you see a folder named “VT” inside your Captivate 4 installation folder. Generally this is located at “c:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 4″Voices are located inside the “VT” folder and Text to Speech should work then. If “VT” is not available, please run the ‘Text to Speech voices’ installer once again.Also please note that, Captivate needs to be re-launched once voices are installed.Regards,Mukul

2010-03-26 08:49:34
2010-03-26 08:49:34

I determined my problem. There was a two phase install.

2010-03-26 07:45:22
2010-03-26 07:45:22

I downloaded and installed the text-to-speech file but I still cannot use it. When I press the “Convert to speech” button it tells me “The text to speech voices are not installed”.Any thoughts on what might be going wrong? I am using the trial version of Captivate 4 if that makes a difference

2010-02-03 12:26:35
2010-02-03 12:26:35

You might have checked the box ‘Do not show again’. That’s probably the reason you are not getting an option to change the speech agent.You can go to “Edit > Preferences > Global > General Settings > Confirmation Messages and look for ‘Speech Selection’

2010-02-03 05:22:47
2010-02-03 05:22:47

I am using Captivate 4.0 text to speech option. It works fine, but I no longer have the optionto choose which agent I want for the speech. It defaults to Kate. If I want the voice to be Paul, I have to manually go up to Audio>Speech management and choose teh slide then change it to Paul. It then rerenders the speech to Paul.How can i change the default to paul or make it to where the option to select Kate or Paul returns??Thank you

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