A recent post on our facebook page spoke of a need to provide selection level feedback on multiple choice questions using Adobe Captivate- i.e. a different message explaining why each wrong answer is wrong. For example- try the quiz below:
While this functionality has been present in Captivate 4 itself, it is a few levels down in the menu. Below is a detailed guide on how you would do this in Captivate 5.
Once you’ve created your multiple choice question, double click one of the answer choices-
This brings the ‘properties’ of that answer choice to focus in the PI. In the bottom half of the panel you will find the ‘advanced answer option’ accordion. Expand this, and check the ‘advanced answer option’ and ‘show feedback message’ checkboxes as shown in the image below.
The default action assigned to this answer choice will be ‘continue’. Click on the ‘action’ drop down, an chose ‘no action’. This ensures that the learner has a chance to explore the other answers rather than navigating thru to the next slide immediately. Alternately, you can also choose to assign a specific action for each answer- like branch to a specific slide, open a different project, etc. you can view these options in the drop down shown here.
Repeat these steps for each answer choice.
Now toggle back to the quiz properties and in the ‘actions’ accordion, increase the number of ‘attempts’ to some number more than 1 or check ‘infinite’. This again ensures that the learner gets a chance to try again if he gets the answer wrong.
Let us know if you find this feature helpful!
I have cp 5.5
I exactly followed all the steps explained here. however, the options gets greyed out after 2 attempts unlike the example given above where you can keep trying untill you get the right answer.
Also, can i select the advanced action for correct answer to “go to next slide”?
please help.
Maybe I need to rephrase my question. As a participant answers correctly, the next question would have to be of a higher level of difficulty (and worth more marks). Answering wrongly would mean that your next question is simpler. Can someone guide me on how to do this in Captivate 4. Would greatly appreciate any help.
sbh, you can do this with branching.
Step 1. Create all the questions with all the difficulty levels you want.
Step 2. Create a custom variable to store the current score (or the last question score depending on how you want to proceed.)
Step 3. On Success or Failure Actions for each question can then run an advanced action (a little micro script that uses a ‘conditional’ to evaluate the score against some norm and based on the score, jumpToSlide and the appropriate slide.
Now you could do this just using the success / fail options if you want to split them in two at every question based on success / failure of that specific question (no advanced action required – just set the continue action to a jump to.
You could also just use the Cp variable that stores the current score, rather than creating a custom variable. You could also track multiple variables based on things like n questions are aligned to objective c and so on, using a custom score subset for objective n questions etc.
Hope that helps you get started.
Regretably, Captivate 4 doesn’t show the ‘No Action’ option as illustrated above (at least I can’t find it).
Also, enabling feeback messages disabled the ‘Retry’ message & caused the ‘Number of Attempts = 2’ to be ignored (probably because I can’t change it from Continue in the Advanced dialog box).
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