This week in the eSeminar series we compared and contrasted Adobe Captivate 4 to Adobe Captivate 5 in order to assist users making the transition. The slides used in the seminar are included below, and you can review the eSeminar via Adobe OnDemand using this link.
You can full screen the embedded pdf above to see the slides larger if you like. The complete description of the OnDemand eSeminar is below.
Comparing Adobe Captivate 4 to Adobe Captivate 5
11:30AM-12:30 PM US Eastern Time
Dr. Allen Partridge, Adobe eLearning Evangelist, will focus on the differences and similarities between Adobe Captivate 4 and Adobe Captivate 5 during this one hour session intended for people with experience using prior versions of Adobe Captivate.
See it Now:
Next week’s eSeminar focuses on Advanced Actions in Adobe Captivate 5.
Advanced Interaction Development for Adobe Captivate 5 for Advanced Users
11:30AM-12:30 PM US Eastern Time
This one hour session will focus on Advanced Learning Interaction Design, Pedagogical and Development issues for eLearning. It will be hosted by Dr. Allen Partridge, Adobe eLearning Evangelist and is intended for Advanced users of Adobe Captivate, eLearning Professionals, Academics, and Training Professionals.
Register for it here:
Also mentioned at the session – a version comparison chart. Go to this page and click the Version Comparison Tab.
Hope to see you at any of our weekly eSeminars – you can always find the complete list of what’s coming, and what’s available at the link to Seminars on the right side bar of the Adobe Captivate Blog.
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