One of the most requested features in Adobe Captivate was the ability to store the course results on the local servers or database. Adobe Captivate 5 comes with an all new reporting workflow, being highlighted as Alternate Reporting, which enables its users to store and track their course results using their own servers and database.
Useful Resources
- Adobe Captivate Free Sample Project – CloudAir SoftSkills
- Download Free Adobe Captivate Sample Project – Adobe Captivate 2017 Training
- Download the Workbook – Getting Started with Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate 2017
- Download the workbook – [Workbook] Multi-state Objects in Adobe Captivate 2017
Alternate Reporting allows the users to integrate their content with their own webservers. Let us see how…in a very few steps…
Step I: Set-up the Web server
For integrating the course with a web server, first the user needs to setup a web server. Here, I will take an example of integrating the Captivate course with WAMP server (PHP-enabled server).
WAMP server is an open source project and a free to use web server. It can be downloaded from
Tutorials for installing WAMP server can be found at:
Step II: Create a Reporting Script
Since some of the users want the results to be stored on their local servers and some want to be stored on some database, Adobe Captivate 5 provides a template script file – InternalServerReporting.php, which is available at the following location – [InstallDirectory]/Adobe Captivate 5/Templates/Publish/. Users can use this script file and modify it accordingly to solve their purpose. Also, there is no restriction on the scripting language used for the reporting script. Users can use any scripting language like PHP or ASP.
Once the script file is ready, you just need to place this file in the root folder of the web server. To check whether the script is correct and accessible or not, please try accessing it using the web browser.
For eg : If the server is on local machine, you can try the following link in your web browser : http://localhost/InternalServerReporting.php.
No error should be displayed in the browser.
Step III: Set the Quiz Reporting Preferences in Adobe Captivate 5
After the server is up and running, and the script file is in place, you need to set the preferences in Adobe Captivate 5, so that the results get reported to the web server.
Adobe Captivate 5 comes with two new reporting options available in the Reporting preferences of Quiz.
For tracking the results using the web server, you need to select and configure Internal Server as the reporting option.
Step IV: Configure the Internal Server
Now, user needs to configure the internal server to his own web server. For this, you should provide the link to the script file in the Server text area of the Alternate Reporting dialog. Also, you should provide the names of the Institute, Department and Course name in the respective fields. All these fields are mandatory and are used to store the course results in a formal structure.
And now, your course is integrated with your web server.
Whenever a student will take this course he will see a Post Results button on the result slide. Once the student uses this button to post the results, the results get posted on your web server.
How can you store the results on a database?
You can anytime modify your script file to connect to a database. Now whenever the results are passed to this script, the code in the script would directly store the results onto the database.
Hence, you can see how easy it is to store the course results on your own web servers/database using Alternate Reporting feature of Adobe Captivate 5.
I’ll give some more highlights on the code in the script in my further blog posts. So keep tuned.
I am getting a couple of errors when running the internalserverreporting.php (Step II) … regardless whether I place the files into the root folder or any subdirectory… I’ve set all permissions to 777… 😐
any ideas? 😐
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 35
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 37
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 39
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 41
Warning: fopen(./CaptivateResults////////): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 43
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 44
Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/captivate/internalServerReporting.php on line 45
Is there a way to capture or report the date the quiz was taken in the Quiz Analyzer? The only place I can find the date is in the XML file captivate creates in the “Captivate Results” folder. But, I can’t XML data into a usable/trackable format. I’d like to be able to generate a report in the Quiz Analyzer and then export it to excel where I can track it…but without the date I don’t know when they took the quiz and when my trainees need to renew/retake the course. Can anyone help?
I have a site that was using Captivate software and to my knowledge had been saving the test results and users information correctly for sometime. Just recently within a week or two the users have been reporting issues with the test not saving their information and getting error messages. Does anyone have a clue why this could be? Attached is an image of the error the users are getting
Did you ever find an anwer to this one?
I am searching for the answer to this already for some weeks now,
there are many posts but only few real answers so I hope you guys can
help me.
I am coding (in PHP) an internal LMS using Adobe Captivate 9 where
the results of the quiz are posted to “Internal Server”. This works nice
and I have changed the default InternalServerReporting script so it
does push the results to our database so we can use them in our Admin
Every user who take a course needs to login first so we do already know
the name and email address of this user, but still at the end of each
quiz, Captivate gives the popup where it asks to enter the name and
email address of the user.
Some months ago, when I was still using Captivate 8, I found a post
somewhere (unfortunately I can’t remember where) that pointed out to 1
setting that you can change (not in a menu, it was more in an ini file
or regkey and as far as I remember even not in the project but more in
the installed software) and that did the trick. Now I have upgraded to
Captivate 9 and the same comes back but can’t find that fix anymore.
Does anyone maybe know how to get rid of this popup in Captivate 9 or
else know where to find that original answer that I found months ago?
I’ve gotten my script created but have a specific variable that is in the URL that i also need to post to the database as well (TicketID=jdfsad7234jkldsaf;kasdf) this is the encrypted ticket number of the quiz they just took. Is there any way for me to request this parameter and pass it to the custom script? I did this in captivate 4 all the time but now in 5 it looks like the custom posting to database is relegated to just posting score, time, coursename, learnername and just a couple of other things. I sell courses online and the ticketid is how i mark a quiz complete when i submit the score to the DB. Thanks!
This is my solution in . It uses three SQL tables (which is probably overkill) to store the results. One stores the post data Captivate sends on a single row, the other two “capHeaderData” and “capData” store the parsed out data from the XMLfile that gets sent. I’m supplying scripts to create all the tables at the end also.
This is the code behind of a blank page I called captivateresults.aspx . I sent the Internal Reporting to this page which is hosted on the company Intranet. It collects the data captivate sends, then records it in capResults, then takes the XML file and parses it out into the other two tables, a header and a data table for the questions themselves.
You will need to replace “incIntranet.pubConnStringIntranet” with a connection string to your database that works in your
environment probably somethign like “Data Source=MYSQLINSTANCENAME;Initial Catalog=MYDATABASENAME;User Id=MYUSERNAME;
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Partial Class captivateresults
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public incIntranet As New classIntranet
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
‘This page is called from Adobe Captivate. The quiz reults are sent in as a Post to this page.
‘This page then loops through the request.params and and stores the data which is several fields a
‘and a file which should be in XML. This data is inserted as a row in a capQuizResults table.
Dim strListofVars As String = “”
Dim strListofFormVars As String = “”
Dim strCompanyName As String = “”
Dim strDepartmentName As String = “”
Dim strCourseName As String = “”
Dim strFilename As String = “”
Dim strFiledata As String = “”
Dim strFileUpload As String = “”
‘Request.Params goes combines all variables, Querystring, Post, Server
For Each strPost As String In Request.Params
‘If InStr(strPost, Request.ServerVariables()) = 0 Then
‘End If
strListofVars = strListofVars & strPost & ” | ”
Response.Write(“” & strPost & “:” & Request(strPost).ToString & “”)
Select Case strPost
Case “CompanyName”
strCompanyName = Request(strPost).ToString
Case “DepartmentName”
strDepartmentName = Request(strPost).ToString
Case “CourseName”
strCourseName = Request(strPost).ToString
Case “Filename”
strFilename = Request(strPost).ToString
Case “Filedata”
strFiledata = Request(strPost).ToString
Case “Upload”
strFileUpload = Request(strPost).ToString
End Select
For Each strPost As String In Request.Form
strListofFormVars = strListofFormVars & strPost & ” | ”
‘Insert into table and return the newly created ID
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(incIntranet.pubConnStringIntranet)
Dim strUpdateString As String = “INSERT INTO capResults (capResultsListOfVars, capResultsListOfFormVars,
capResultsCompanyName, capResultsDepartmentName, capResultsCourseName, capResultsFileName, capResultsFileData,
capResultsFileUpload) VALUES (@ListOfVars, @ListOfFormVars, @CompanyName, @DepartmentName, @CourseName, @FileName,
@FileData, @FileUpload); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as NewID ”
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(strUpdateString, myConnection)
‘Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(strUpdateString, myConnection)
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@ListOfVars”, strListofVars))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@ListOfFormVars”, strListofFormVars))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@CompanyName”, strCompanyName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@DepartmentName”, strDepartmentName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@CourseName”, strCourseName))
‘da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@LearnerName”, strCourseName))
‘da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@LessonName”, strCourseName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@Filename”, strFilename))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@Filedata”, strFiledata))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@FileUpload”, strFileUpload))
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim intNewID As Int64 = dt.Rows(0).Item(“NewID”)
‘From the XML , insert records for each questions for this ResultsID
Dim strXML As New XmlDocument
‘Dim strXML As New XmlDocument
Dim strXMLCompany As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“CompanyName”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLDepartment As String =
Dim strXMLCourseName As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“CourseName”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLLearnerName As String =
Dim strXMLLearnerID As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“LearnerID”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLLessonName As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“LessonName”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLQuizAttempts As String =
Dim strXMLTotalQuestions As String =
‘Core Data
Dim strXMLStatus As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“Status”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLLocation As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“Location”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLRawScore As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“RawScore”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLMaxScore As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“MaxScore”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLMinScore As String = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“MinScore”).Item(0).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
Dim strXMLSessionTime As String =
‘Dim nInteractions As XmlNode = strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“InteractionData”)
‘Response.Write(nInteractions.Name & “”)
strUpdateString = “INSERT INTO capDataHeader (capResultsID, capDataHeaderCompanyName, capDataHeaderDepartmentName,
capDataHeaderCourseName, capDataHeaderLearnerName, capDataHeaderLearnerID, capDataHeaderLessonName,
capDataHeaderQuizAttempts, capDataHeaderTotalQuestions, capDataHeaderStatus, capDataHeaderLocation, capDataHeaderRawScore,
capDataHeaderMaxScore, capDataHeaderMinScore, capDataHeaderSessionTime) ” & _
“VALUES (@capResultsID, @strXMLCompany, @strXMLDepartment, @strXMLCourseName, @strXMLLearnerName, @strXMLLearnerID,
@strXMLLessonName, @strXMLQuizAttempts, @strXMLTotalQuestions, ” & _
” @strXMLStatus, @strXMLLocation, @strXMLRawScore, @strXMLMaxScore, @strXMLMinScore, @strXMLSessionTime); SELECT
da = New SqlDataAdapter(strUpdateString, myConnection)
‘Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(strUpdateString, myConnection)
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capResultsID”, intNewID))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLCompany”, strXMLCompany))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLDepartment”, strXMLDepartment))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLCourseName”, strXMLCourseName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLLearnerName”, strXMLLearnerName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLLearnerID”, strXMLLearnerID))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLLessonName”, strXMLLessonName))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLQuizAttempts”, strXMLQuizAttempts))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLTotalQuestions”, strXMLTotalQuestions))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLStatus”, strXMLStatus))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLLocation”, strXMLLocation))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLRawScore”, strXMLRawScore))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLMaxScore”, strXMLMaxScore))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLMinScore”, strXMLMinScore))
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@strXMLSessionTime”, strXMLSessionTime))
dt = New DataTable
Dim intNewHeaderID As Int64 = dt.Rows(0).Item(“NewHeaderID”)
Dim strXMLDate As String
Dim strXMLInteractionTime As String
Dim strXMLInteractionID As String
Dim strXMLObjectiveID As String
Dim strXMLInteractionType As String
Dim strXMLCorrectResponse As String
Dim strXMLStudentResponse As String
Dim strXMLResult As String
Dim strXMLWeight As String
Dim strXMLLatency As String
Dim strXMLAttempt As String
For Each nNode As XmlNode In strXML.GetElementsByTagName(“Interactions”)
strXMLDate = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Date”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value.ToString
strXMLInteractionTime = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“InteractionTime”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value.ToString
strXMLInteractionID = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“InteractionID”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLObjectiveID = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“ObjectiveID”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLInteractionType = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“InteractionType”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLCorrectResponse = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“CorrectResponse”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLStudentResponse = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“StudentResponse”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
If Not nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Result”) Is Nothing Then
strXMLResult = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Result”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLResult = “”
End If
strXMLWeight = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Weight”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLLatency = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Latency”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strXMLAttempt = nNode.SelectSingleNode(“Attempt”).Attributes.ItemOf(“value”).Value
strUpdateString = “INSERT INTO capData (capDataHeaderID, capDataInteractionDateTime, capDataInteractionID,
capDataObjectiveID, capDataInteractionType, capDataCorrectResponse, capDataStudentResponse, capDataResult, capDataWeight,
capDataLatency, capDataAttempt) ” & _
“VALUES (@capDataHeaderID, @capDataInteractionDateTime, @capDataInteractionID, @capDataObjectiveID,
@capDataInteractionType, @capDataCorrectResponse, @capDataStudentResponse, @capDataResult, @capDataWeight, @capDataLatency,
@capDataAttempt) ”
Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strUpdateString, myConnection)
‘Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(strUpdateString, myConnection)
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataHeaderID”, intNewHeaderID))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataInteractionDateTime”, CType(strXMLDate & ” ” &
strXMLInteractionTime, Date)))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataInteractionID”, strXMLInteractionID))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataObjectiveID”, strXMLObjectiveID))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataInteractionType”, strXMLInteractionType))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataCorrectResponse”, strXMLCorrectResponse))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataStudentResponse”, strXMLStudentResponse))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataResult”, strXMLResult))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataWeight”, strXMLWeight))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataLatency”, strXMLLatency))
myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter(“@capDataAttempt”, strXMLAttempt))
‘ foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
‘ {
‘ if($k == “CompanyName”)
‘ {
‘ $CompanyName = $v;
‘ }
‘ if($k == “DepartmentName”)
‘ {
‘ $DepartmentName = $v;
‘ }
‘ if($k == “CourseName”)
‘ {
‘ $CourseName = $v;
‘ }
‘ if($k == “Filename”)
‘ {
‘ $Filename = $v;
‘ }
‘ if($k == “Filedata”)
‘ {
‘ If (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) Then
‘ $Filedata = stripslashes($v);
‘ Else
‘ $Filedata = $v;
‘ }
‘ }
‘$ResultFolder = “./”.”CaptivateResults”;
‘$CompanyFolder = $ResultFolder.”//”.$CompanyName;
‘$DepartmentFolder = $CompanyFolder.”//”.$DepartmentName;
‘$CourseFolder = $DepartmentFolder.”//”.$CourseName;
‘$FilePath = $CourseFolder.”//”.$Filename;
‘$Handle = fopen($FilePath, ‘w’);
‘fwrite($Handle, $Filedata);
End Sub
End Class
This is the sql scripts I used to create the tables involved. You will have to change “IntranetWeb” to the name of your
USE [IntranetWeb]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[capResults] Script Date: 05/08/2012 15:45:58 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[capResults](
[capResultsID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[capResultsDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[capResultsListOfVars] [varchar](5000) NULL,
[capResultsListOfFormVars] [varchar](5000) NULL,
[capResultsCompanyName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capResultsDepartmentName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capResultsCourseName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capResultsFileName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capResultsFileData] [varchar](max) NULL,
[capResultsFileUpload] [varchar](max) NULL,
[capResultsID] ASC
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[capResults] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_capResults_capResultsDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [capResultsDate]
USE [IntranetWeb]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[capDataHeader] Script Date: 05/08/2012 15:46:02 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[capDataHeader](
[capDataHeaderID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[capResultsID] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderCompanyName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderDepartmentName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderCourseName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderLearnerName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderLearnerID] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderLessonName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderQuizAttempts] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderTotalQuestions] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderStatus] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderLocation] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataHeaderRawScore] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderMaxScore] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderMinScore] [int] NULL,
[capDataHeaderSessionTime] [datetime] NULL,
[capDataHeaderID] ASC
USE [IntranetWeb]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[capData] Script Date: 05/08/2012 15:46:07 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[capData](
[capDataID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[capDataHeaderID] [int] NOT NULL,
[capDataInteractionDateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[capDataInteractionID] [int] NULL,
[capDataObjectiveID] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataInteractionType] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataCorrectResponse] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataStudentResponse] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataResult] [varchar](50) NULL,
[capDataWeight] [int] NULL,
[capDataLatency] [datetime] NULL,
[capDataAttempt] [int] NULL,
[capDataID] ASC
Does anyone know if there is a way to edit the 2 questions being asked in the Post Results prompt? Currently it asks for Name and Email Address. I’d like to ask for 2 different variables if possible, but cant find where the code files are for that specific prompt.
I just upgraded to Captivate 5.5 from Captivate 4.0. We embed our courses in our internal intranet and have set it up so that when the user clicks the submit e-mail button the score is posted to our intranet. Now that I have upgraded to 5.5 it makes the user click the “send e-mail” button twice in order for the score to post. Can you suggest how I might set up the configurations so that the user only needs to click the send e-mail button once.
The intranet programmer at our company would not like to use the internal server option because this option just sends information to a page on a web server and our courses are embedded within the intranet using JavaScript.
Any suggestions you can give so that the users don’t have to click the “send e-mail” button twice in order for the results to post would be much appreciated! Thank you!
[…] -a-local-server.html#comment-… […]
[…] popular authoring tool such as Adobe Captivate and embed those tests into your course. You can even configure Captivate to display the test results to the learner. The problem with this approach is getting reports for all learners in an easy and […]
[…] Some details about how to set up this solution can be found here: -a-local-server.html […]
[…] -a-local-server.html […]
Is there a way to automatically post the results without the user having to click the X on the upper right hand corner….. currently I have an assessment posted on a site, when the assessment ends the use sees his/her score and if they DO NOT click the X the score doesn’t get posted to our spreadsheet….. Can anybody help with me this?
I blogged about how to do this with Ruby on Rails.
Is there a way to automatically post the results without the user having to explicitly post the results. I have a user account system already in place and have access to the userid and e-mail either through PHP from a database or javascript. I would like to submit the quiz results to a database after the user completes the entire presentation or when they close the windows.
How do I log an enhancement request?
Is there a workaround that I could implement by modifying the or other file on my local Captivate install (MacOS). What I would like to do is have the results auto submitted when the user exits explicitly or when they close the presentation. In my case, I am actually displaying the .swf in a on my main page as a .swf object. I guess I would have to pass the close event to the SWF somehow?
Hi Stephen, you can log an enhancement request here:
Can you do this in Captivate 4?
I need to get test results into a spreadsheet. If possible point me to any “step by steps”
Reason I’m having to do this – our current LMS doesn’t allow us to capture the level of detail we need – expecially for a group of people who do not have logins to our LMS right now.
Yes, we will eventually be upgrading (to OracleLMS) but I need a robust interim solution,now.
BTW – I’m not a techy and have never done JS so an a real novice
Jenni, you need the Variables to Google Form widget. It populates a Google Form which in turn populates a Google Spreadsheet. We are using it as an interim way to collect scores etc. until our LMS is fully deployed. It can be a pain to get it working, but it works reliably thereafter. You can get it for Captivate 4 here:
we are setting this up and need to have the full list of steps as in many of the blogs it is not straightforward. does anyone have steps to share when using the internal web server? if you have any tips on pitfalls, challenges this is most appreciated.
Hi I am trying to use the Email as the reporting system, but unfortunately this doenst seem tobe working. I have downloaded Captivate 5 free trail and I have taken online training and its says its as easy as 1) enable reprting ) enter email address 3) chooses reporting options and ok but nothing comes through? Im not sure why this int working can anyone help. I have also tried and this isnt working either.
Using Adobe Captivate 5 with an internal reporting server which is configured properly for PHP using IIS 6. I can create the XML files all day long but the quiz results analyzer will not generate the report even though it does find the “Organization”, “Department”, and “Course” values from the directory structure. When I click “Generate Report”, I get the message saying “Data not found on the local file system” etc
When I try and view the report using Source as “From this computer”, it will load the XML files data just fine.
Any suggestions?
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
Since I was not able to use ColdFusion to process the results I am now using the provided PHP file on a PHP Server. Works fine when the quiz is located on the same domain as the php server. Is there a way to make this work though were the quiz is located on one server and the PHP file on another?
Stephen, this is an enhancement request. I’m forwarding it to wish-captivate. You can of course edit the PHP file(s) yourself as well, but i don’t know the issues involved. My guess is there may also be a need for a change in the published SWF, and of course you’d need a x-domain policy on the server.
I am trying to have captivate report quiz results to our internal server – SharePoint. Following all instructions I can find, we set up the server correctly and the settings on the quiz are correct. When submiting the results the returned message is successful. However, there are no new files created – no results anywhere. What am I missing???
Hi Allen
Yes, I have tried the URL directly from my web browser and it resolves properly. I have even tested posting form results to the same URL and it works fine. Is there something else the Internal Server function needs to return in order for it to connect?
Here is the example quiz published as Flash Player 10:
and it should be posting results to a ColdFusion File here
The cold fusion file just saves the posted form data to a file. You can go there directly to see that it resolves properly. I have triple checked the captivate file to make sure the URL is correct. Does this require us to use PHP? Is there something that must be returned back to the Quiz for it to say results posted successfully?
After diging a lot, I get almost everything works. Now, my only problem is that Quiz Analyser (CS5) is connecting to my internal server, but instead of showing me the datat of the XML file, it just show dot (“.”) in the Organization/Dept/Course drop-down menu.
No datas are retrieved.
If I FTP the CaptivateResults directory on my computer and read the file with Quiz Analayser, everything work fine.
I gave full permissio to all folders on my website.
Any idea?
Martin 🙂
I just want a way to insert the scores, time taken etc into a mysql database simple right? well there are just no examples of how to accomplish this around the forums
This xml file it writes isn’t very helpful but then again i can’t even get that to work either. in Captivate 4 i used a hacked javascript file for sendmail() to post to a page and insert that into a database but that doenst’ work on 5 🙁
Matt, if the hosted server has PHP you should be fine – though you may need to coordinate with the host to ensure everything is working. Just install the two php files into a directory on the server. (Make sure the permissions on the files and the directory are sufficient.)
I have been trying to get the quiz results to post to my account with little success. When others post their quiz results they are requested to enter the email address and password to my account at Is this how the reporting is suppose to work when using
Hi Terra. When learners take the quiz the system asks them for ‘their’ Adobe ID to login to – not for yours. The system will post to your account, but asks them for their login info. You can use alternate reporting if you want to avoid forcing your learners to have Aadobe ID’s. In the alternate reporting paradigm, you put the php scripts provided on your own server, and the data is loaded to your custom server. Users are prompted in that model for a login email rather than an Adobe ID. Hope this helps, Allen.
Hi Allen. I thought there was a way for my account to be saved like a default. That way when individuals report they just hit the report button and it automatically goes to my account without them entering anything. Is there a way to do this? If so, can you please instruct me how to do it? I really don’t want a huge amount of individuals having to sign up for just for this. Thanks for your help. Terra
I have used the Internal Server option and can see my results in the xml file. When the Post results option is selected, a popup comes up asking for the user id and email address. This information can be seen in the resulting xml too.
But because this quiz will be made available through our internal website where the user would have to login – we already have the user information – and hence would not like him to enter the information twice.
How do we disable the popup?
Also the control from the Post Results button goes to Action Script? We have AS3 programming capability in the team – Is that something we can modify in a way that every quiz we publlish using Captivate has the same functionality behind the Post Results button? If yes, can I get some pointers on how to approach this?
I have modified the interserverReporting.php script that ships with Captivate 5 to report the results to a MySQL database with some success. The problem I’m having has to do with the message that displays to the user when the click the Submit button. i would like to customize the text that appears in the popup and somehow disable the submit button after the user clicks it so that they don’t resubmit multiple times. Anyone have ideas on where to look to do this?
Hi Derek, what I’ve done is created an ungraded quiz question that prompts the user to enter in their personal information. This way it will populate their info with the rest of the quiz results.
This is the only solution I’ve come up with so far…hope this helps!
Been trying using Coldfusion and cannot get it to post data. but I also cannot get it to work with the provided PHP example either. It just says “Connecting…” when trying use the PHP and No Connection when tryin to use the CFM file. ug… So frustrating, wish there was some help on this.
like so many, i have worked thru a couple of challenges to get Results to and from a local server. The results do post, and can be verified as on the server. However, when I attempt to retrieve them via the Quiz Analyzer, I get a ” Download could not be completed” error. Any ideas as to how to correct??
In Quiz Preferences, you are going to indicate wheter you will create results at or and Internal server. Once the quiz is taken, you can view results utilizing the Quiz Results Analyzer. That will give you the information you are looking for.
I’m curious, how will it give information the quiz itself doesn’t ask for? If the user is taking this via a browser, I don’t understand how it’s going record any personal information about the taker. I need the user and department information on my quizzes. Previously I used Cap 3 and dumped results to a DB. In that case I used a pop up html page to have the user enter their information before hitting a submit button.
@Anthony, I wondered this as well. I published to at first to see what the output would be and it only assigned displayed the users by their adobeID. I don’t want my users to have to sign up for Adobe just to be able to post their results so I’ve decied to go the internal server route. What I ended up doing to identify the test taker was creating an ungraded question where the users could enter in their personal info. This would allow the responses to this question to be populated with the rest of the course test results. I hope this helps although I know I’m seeing this quite late!
We are thinking of using the WAMP server for our internal training program which will need to process requests and store results from about 150 users. We would like to know whether or not the WAMP server with default configurations can handle such load and process the requests successfully. Also, can we rely on this opensource WAMP sever for our proffessional use?
The WAMP(or XAMPP) suggestion is for a developer configured setup of a PHP/MySQL/Apache server. I wouldn’t advise using this outside of a secure internal network. I run a XAMPP server locally on my computer as well as on a test server in our companies network. If planning on deploying a production server (internal or external) with a PHP/MySQL/Apache setup I would consult an IT professional. Most web hosting packages are based on a PHP/MySQL setup the other being ASP/MSSQL.
MySQL isn’t the end all be all for databases. My IT department uses Microsoft SQL. It all depends on the connection string given to PHP or ASP in which database the script talks to. Some commands within the script may have to change to accommodate the database of choice.
Initially we were able to use the alternate quiz reporting feature successfully. There is currently an error code that comes up when we try to post results after a quiz.. “Unknown Error’ is shown after the student name and email address are entered. Is there a way to trace back what this error message means?
I currently have a website that uses Captivate 3 and I post the results to a database on my website server using the post results by email tutorial and sending to a database. The issue that I have is that I need the full test posted which includes the questions and answers to the questions along with if they are right or wrong.
Rihgt now I only get the results which includes the letter before the answer and a C or W if right or wrong.
Will Captivate 5 fix this issue? If so, then I will upgrade
Sorry that didn’t display properly.
http://yourservername/internalServerRead.php rather than http://yourservername/internalServerReporting.php
Sorry to shout for your attention, but sometimes it’s necessary. 🙂
Sorry, but that’s wrong Rob. You will not get an error back if you do that, but you will also not get any information back either. (Since it doesn’t do anything when it runs the script, no error message.) If they do that, then they will get nothing back from the report.
Here’s the secret sauce that is missing for most people:
For most servers, you need to specify a value for the mkdir function. Open up the internalServerReporting.php file in a text pad or Dreamweaver. If you don’t have Dreamweaver and are on Windows, I recommend Notepad ++. Go to line 36. It will say:
Remove the quotations. But that’s wrong for most servers. This is because there is no permission setting specified, and most servers by default do not allow just anyone to start writing files and making directors on them. To fix this, type this in:
“mkdir($ResultFolder, 0777);”
This gives you permission to write into that folder and file. Now, if you’re running it locally, the configuration will be:
Add in the permissions, point to the correct php script, and you’ll get back an XML file.
Just found out, they put a video on it on that shows exactly how to do it:
Hi Oliver,
Trust you are doing well. Publishing and tracking results using an internal server is a multi-step process:
1. Set the reporting preferences.
2. Set the preferences in Captivate Quiz Analyzer.
3. Submit the result.
4. View the result.
For more information, refer to the official doc,
The document is updated as of Captivate 9.
Please try the steps given in the document. Let us know the results.
I’m using the localhost:8080/InternalServerReporting.php then in the preferences localhost:8080/internalserverread.php.
Sir, where planning to buy the captivate. But still we need to test the software. Please help us sir. Actually i posted an questions about this. This is the link maybe you can answer.
Please check this sir.
I’m looking forward to your answer.
Mr. Saurav,
I’m curious there’s is no file “CaptivateResult” or XML file result after I take the quiz?
I first try to install in my laptop the captivate 9, It has a folder CaptivateResults inside the Templates/Publish
but when I try to install the captivate 9 in my office, there’s is no such file “CaptivateResult” is there a problem to my installation or what?
Create a folder in your webroot or htdocs folder (if you’re using wamp/xampp).
For example,
I think this should work. You will also see the CaptivateResult folder.
I almost try that Sir,
but still have an error. After I get the results always saying url not found this is the link i put in the preferences
and I try to open it in the localhost with this address http://localhost:8080/report/internalServerReporting.php
The result is; “Object not found, Error 404”
The following thread contains all details:
Just a note for those hosting on an Internal Server – in the Quiz results analyser you must specify the Internal Server location of http:///internalServerRead.php, rather than http:///InternalServerReporting.php. Wish I’d known that 3 hours ago. 😉
I am trying to Create a Reporting Script using asp instead of php. How do I do this? How do I translate php code into asp? DO I need to translate internalserverread.php also to asp file?
I tried printing Request.form(“Company”) – it returns nothing.
Thank you.
2 questions: I would like to have the date the quiz was taken displayed when viewing results from the Quiz Results Analyzer but I don’t see it. Am I missing something? How can I have them display?
Also, my IT guys tell me the scripts shipped with Captivate don’t work with Linux without customization. Will this be offered soon?
Hiii…I am unable to view the results that are being stored in the local databse.I have gone though the above steps but i am inable to figure it out where exactly i am going wrong…Can any one help me out clearly.I am doing it using sql server and .net..Help will be appriciated… Kindly let me know through my mail id…””
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