November 19, 2010
Drag & Drop in Adobe Captivate
November 19, 2010
Drag & Drop in Adobe Captivate
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

One of the most amazing things about Adobe Captivate is that ultimately anything you can do in Adobe Flash, you can do in Adobe Captivate simply by adding a widget. Captivate’s architecture makes it ideal for extending functionality via interactive Flash Widgets and at this week’s eSeminar I got a walk through from one of the folks who create custom widgets for Adobe Captivate, Rod Ward of Infosemantics. Rod crawled out of bed at an alarmingly late hour in Australia in order to teach me how to work with Infosemantics new Drag and Drop Question Widget for Adobe Captivate 4 and Adobe Captivate 5.

I was literally wowed by how easy it is to use and how incredibly simple it is to integrate into an existing project. The widget once added creates a question slide – just like it were a multiple choice or any other kind of question. It automatically integrates with all the other question slides in a given project so its amazingly simple to add to an existing project. Rod also had amazing additional resources for folks at the seminar. He shared a chart he created and used that summarizes the objectives that most commonly align to creating drag and drop interactions and aligns those objectives to Bloom’s taxonomy. It’s an amazing resource, which is not suprising given how awesome the drag and drop widget itself is.

Note:Click the image thumbnail to view full size. The image / table was Created by Rod Ward of Infosemantics and uses Rod’s customized eLearning Hierarchical reference to Bloom’s Taxonomy and learning objectives. Rod cautions that his is his own interpretation and that users should consult the original Taxonomy if they are looking for Bloom’s take on it all.

You can view the entire eSeminar here:

You’ll see Rod explain as I implement my own drag and drop questions. First going over all the details of the usage and potential configurations, and then he teaches me to build a basic business process diagram using drag and drop to allow the learner to test themselves on the proper sequence of events in a process flow.

There are a host of these awesome widgets out there and they are growing every day. I’d encourage folks to check out these awesome widget developers to see other examples of widgets that are available to extend your Captivate authoring experience.

Captivate Widgets
Captivate Exchange:
Flash Factor:
Wheat Blog:
Widget King:

(If you are a widget developer with a blog or a site, please feel free to comment – and I’ll add you / your site to the list.)

2011-07-27 04:40:00
2011-07-27 04:40:00

What is wrong with Captivate 5’s built in Drag and Drop Quiz. Why is it necessary to have a widget at all if the quiz includes it. I have had many issues with the drag and drop and it’s compliance with SCORM and LMS. Please explain!

2010-12-02 21:05:13
2010-12-02 21:05:13

I agree that IE doesn’t have the echo issue, wasn’t able to solve it in Firefox.

2010-11-23 17:04:15
2010-11-23 17:04:15

Thanks to Christian. It seems to be a problem with Firefox. No problem with IE 8.

2010-11-23 01:28:44
2010-11-23 01:28:44

Thanks for the link, Allen! It’s an honor to be mentioned in such good company.

2010-11-21 14:58:10
2010-11-21 14:58:10

Same problem as Noelle and Peter.

Tested it with Firefox 3.6.12 (my standard browser) and IE 8.0.6001.18975. With IE everything is ok, but in Firefox I hear many voices at the same time.

2010-11-20 15:15:14
2010-11-20 15:15:14

I have the same problem with the sound as Noelle and didn’t find a solution.

's comment
2010-11-20 21:28:43
2010-11-20 21:28:43
's comment

Can you post back with your browser specifications? — Allen

2010-11-19 23:49:17
2010-11-19 23:49:17

There seems to be something wrong with the audio. About a minute in to the program I get an echo that makes the audio unlistenable. Is it just my system?

2010-11-19 19:24:48
2010-11-19 19:24:48

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lieve Weymeis, cfidurauk, A Partridge, Adobe Captivate, Allen Partridge and others. Allen Partridge said: Blog: Drag & Drop in AdobeCaptivate 5: eSeminar, objective map 4 D&D, eLearning […]

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