January 17, 2011
Captivate 5 Training from Lynda.com
January 17, 2011
Captivate 5 Training from Lynda.com

Lynda.com launched Captivate 5 essentials training last month. I’ve always found Lynda.com training to be concise, easy to consume, and real value for money ($25/month). The course is created and delivered by James Lockman, an Adobe solutions engineer. James is an Adobe Certified Expert and has many years of experience teaching and training.

The course runs 7hrs and 11 mins. It contains 14 sections covering all the key features. Each section is made up of multiple modules of 5-6min duration, making it easy to consume. The course has a great introduction differentiating Captivate from other PowerPoint plugin based rapid authoring tools, and builds on the value of exploring eLearning beyond Presentations. The training has a good hands-on approach, allowing you to follow along using your Captivate version and the exercise files provided, to create some great content end-to-end.  Each chapter builds on the content you created in the previous one.

James has done a good job of covering all the new features and the old favorites; though one area that is not covered in detail is advanced actions and variables. Also, some features like Multi Slide video could have a better usecase.

Overall, I believe this is a great source of Captivate 5 training for beginners and intermediate users.

2011-01-24 21:09:09
2011-01-24 21:09:09

Having just gone right through this course I can also vouch this is a fantastic resource. Even as an upgrader from version 4 to 5 – I found it worth going through the whole course – even the basics – as it is easy to go through and sometimes you learn gems from a tutor even though you know how to do something already – there is oftentimes another, more efficient way you haven’t considered. I would agree this is pitched from beginner to intermediate level. The years subscription is worth it just for this course – though if you do subscribe you get access to their whole library – not just captivate.

If you want a free one day trial of the course try this link: http://www.lynda.com/promo/trial/Default.aspx?lpk35=930&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=ldc_affiliate&utm_content=680&utm_campaign=CD1746&bid=680&aid=CD1746&opt=

2011-01-22 09:07:17
2011-01-22 09:07:17

Thanks, Shameer. I’d like to make an advanced Captivate course that includes more advanced topics such as scripting and course aggregation. Prod the folks at Lynda.com, ok? 😉

's comment
2011-02-01 15:44:06
2011-02-01 15:44:06
's comment

Happy to! Pls email me the contacts at Lynda separately.

2011-01-17 14:59:16
2011-01-17 14:59:16

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ultra Red, Shameer Ayyappan. Shameer Ayyappan said: #AdobeCaptivate 5 Training from Lynda.com http://adobe.ly/gcp1Ew […]

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