May 6, 2011
Captivate Hands-on Training: Enhancing PowerPoint Courses with Adobe Captivate 5
Topic: Hands-on: Enhancing PowerPoint Courses with Adobe Captivate 5
Date and time: Thursday, June 9, 2011 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM US/Pacific
Description: Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh and Vish for an exciting hands-on session on how to convert the existing eLearning courses from PowerPoint to Adobe Captivate projects. Learn how to edit a PowerPoint presentation, synchronize a PowerPoint presentation with the Captivate project and enhance the course by adding animations/interactivity in this session with them.
What’s in it for you?
After attending this session, you will be able to:
- Create Adobe Captivate projects from PowerPoint presentations.
- Edit imported PowerPoint slides within Adobe Captivate.
- Import additional PowerPoint slides.
- Synchronize the PowerPoint presentation with Captivate project file.
- Add objects and slides.
- Delete PowerPoint slides.
- Change modes from Linked to Embedded and vice versa.
- Export Animations.
Recording Link: