August 8, 2011
Adobe eLearning Master Class: Cathy Moore on Saving the World from Boring eLearning
August 8, 2011
Adobe eLearning Master Class: Cathy Moore on Saving the World from Boring eLearning
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

I’m thrilled to share with you all that early next month I’ll be hosting another Master Class; Adobe eLearning Master Class: Cathy Moore chats with Allen Partridge on Saving the World from Boring eLearning. The session is scheduled for September 07, 2011 from 8-9 AM US Pacific time.

Award-winning instructional designer, Cathy Moore will sit down with Adobe eLearning Evangelist Dr. Allen Partridge on Tuesday, September 7th at 8AM US Pacific (11 AM US Eastern, 4PM London) for an Internet broadcast discussion on Creating Effective & Engaging eLearning. Cathy is an extraordinary force in the eLearning community who’s dedicated to saving the world from boring eLearning. She’s the creator Action Mapping, a visual system for designing lively instructional materials that support business strategy. Cathy designs eLearning for Fortune Global 500 organizations, helps clients improve their own design skills, and presents at international conferences.

You can register for the session here: (Registering gets you access to the live event, but even if you can’t make it live, when you register and don’t attend, we send you a link to the recording so you can catch it afterwards too.)

Like all of our eSeminars, it’s totally free to attend. I hope you’ll be able to join us for what will no doubt be an amazing session. Cathy’s work is exemplary and I always learn something wonderful from her.

Please share this notice with friends via twitter, comments etc. Call your friends, Facebook it, post it to you Linked in Groups – go nuts. 😉 As always let me know in comments your thoughts – I’d especially love to know if you guys would like to hear from other people in our master class series – let me know who you’d like to hear from. -Allen

2011-12-11 01:02:00
2011-12-11 01:02:00

Is it possible to see this still? the above link is not working….

2011-09-12 20:40:00
2011-09-12 20:40:00


This session was really great and I have to thanks Cathy for joining us and that she shared her thoughts with us. However, I was not able to be on the whole session. Is there any link where we can watch or download this session?

thank you very much

2011-08-17 17:12:00
2011-08-17 17:12:00

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM US/Pacific

2011-08-14 23:14:00
2011-08-14 23:14:00

Registering *get’s* you access to the live event??? Oh dear … 🙁

's comment
2011-08-15 19:29:56
2011-08-15 19:29:56
's comment

Thanks Sharon for finding that rogue apostrophe. I’ve been looking for it all day. I pulled it out of there and put it back on my keyboard where it belongs. 😉 -Allen

2011-08-09 16:02:00
2011-08-09 16:02:00

Looking forward to this discussion…is it on Wednesday, Sept 7?

2011-08-09 02:32:02
2011-08-09 02:32:02

[…] Follow this link: Adobe eLearning Master Class: Cathy Moore on Saving the World from Boring eLearning « Rapid eLearni… […]

2011-08-08 15:55:00
2011-08-08 15:55:00

Great topic! Can you confirm the date?

Tuesday, September 6


Wednesday, September 7

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