A question that is often asked about quizzes is that where does one specify or establish the correct answer for a question.
The answer is: on stage for all types of questions.
Well, the difference is in ‘how’ you specify the answers for the different question types. This list would help as a ready reckoner for those who are trying to find the solution:
- Multiple-choice: Click the radio button that corresponds to the correct answer. This article by Dr. Ugur Akinci on how to create a simple multiple-choice quiz may be useful.
- True/False: Click the radio button that corresponds to the correct answer.
- Fill-In-The-Blank: Type the answer by replacing the underlined word ‘blank’.Or, double-click the question, select the phrase that is the answer, and click Mark Blank in Quiz Properties (Window > Quiz properties).
- Short Answer: Click the answer box below the question. The Correct Entries box appears. Type the correct answers in the box. If there are multiple correct answers, click the + button on the top right corner to add extra rows.
- Matching: Click ‘type the item here’ in Column 1. A small drop-down list appears at the left. Choose the correct answer for the item from the list. Repeat the steps for the rest of the items or rows.
- Hot Spot: Now, this is a little different. Users can typically click multiple hotspots as correct answers. So, by default all hotspots are marked as correct. This means, you can place the hotspots ‘only’ on the correct answers.
- Sequence: Simple. Type the answers in the correct order. Captivate will shuffle the answers in the output for your users.
In case you are looking for information on how to insert these questions, see this video by Rick Zanotti.
With hot spots, it would be great if you could define a specific answer for a specific hot spot. I.e. (a) Paul. (b) Sue (c) John. All in the same Picture. That way a Student could be asked multiple questions for the same Picture, and thus there are multiple answers. It would therefore mean that the quiz setter could set a given answer and Response for any specific Hot Spot.
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