There are different ways of adding audio to an eLearning project in Adobe Captivate 5.5 and one of the ways is to convert Text to Audio with the powerful functionality of Text-to-Speech in Adobe Captivate. As I was thinking about it, a thread in LinkedIn drew my attention, that talked about creating Text-to-Speech audio and then reusing that audio in a different project. Leslie Bivens, an Adobe Captivate Expert, has added her comments with a solution and I thought of creating a tutorial based on that… Thank you Leslie 🙂
Watch this video to understand more about how to create Text-to-Speech and reuse it in Adobe Captivate.
I am considering the purchase of Captivate, to support school staff training. Your powerful presentation has shown its usefulness in using TTS. Thank you – one of the best presentations I have seen, with extremely clear explanations.
This was an interesting tutorial, as I have never used this feature before.
Let’s say you have portioned your audio among slides, and then you need to insert another slide into the group. Is there an easy way to adjust which portions of audio are connected with each slide, or would you have to start over?
There’s a simple way that I usually use in Adobe Captivate. Click the Insert –> Standard Objects –> Zoom Area. This inserts a 2-way pane (1 – zoom source, 2 – Zoom result). Simply position your zoom source to the area you would like to zoom, presto! its done! 🙂
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