The Best of eLearning Awards Voting is now open. You can place your vote here:
I hope you’ll visit the site and nominate Adobe Captivate for items 10 (Best Rapid Development Tool), 12 (Simulation Development Tool), 14 (Video Capture, Production, Publishing Tool) and 15 (Assessment Tool) under authoring applications. You could also nominate Adobe eLearning Suite for item 11 (eLearning Development Tool). Thanks in advance for sharing your love of Captivate & the eLearning Suite with the broader eLearning Community this year. Let’s get out the vote in support at this year’s Best of eLearning Awards.
The awards are one great way we can spread the word about Adobe Captivate and eLearning Suite. Another is by sharing in the community experiences on the forums and on Facebook. I hope you’ll join the discussion, share in the community experience and continue to help us grow the most effective rapid eLearning authoring tool in the world.