June 29, 2012
Quiz Scope: How is it different in Captivate 6?
June 29, 2012
Quiz Scope: How is it different in Captivate 6?

In Adobe Captivate 5.5, quiz scope was decided at edit-time:  all the slides in the Filmstrip that appeared after the first question and before the result slide were said to be part of the ‘quiz scope’.  Users would get out of the quiz scope if they jumped to a slide before the first question or beyond the result slide. This means, users could not answer the unattempted questions in the quiz after returning to it.
The following video explains this behavior:

Many a times you might have introduced workarounds like introducing a question slide before your first content slide, or bringing feedback content before the result slide, or increasing quiz attempts in your courses to overcome this limitation in Adobe Captivate 5.5.


In Adobe Captivate 6, quiz scope is decided at run-time. It begins when learner enters first question and ends when learner enters result slide. Within the confines of these two ‘events’, learners can navigate to any slide in the project. When leaners returns to the quiz, unanswered questions will still be available for them to answer (answered questions will be disabled).
The video below explains the same in a sample course-

2012-07-06 15:23:00
2012-07-06 15:23:00

It is the best scope that is really be helpful for slides in the filmstrip and It will appear through different alternatives. The scope will be open wided because it has to produce beyond the result slide.

2012-06-29 18:34:00
2012-06-29 18:34:00

Am I correct when saying that when a user enters a question slide, the attempt for that question slide are marked as started? So it is not yet possible to navigate from a question slide to somewhere and afterwards come back to answer the question as yet?

's comment
2012-07-02 13:26:00
2012-07-02 13:26:00
's comment

It is possible to answer the question yet again if it was not answered when you first time visited it.

's comment
2012-07-02 13:46:00
2012-07-02 13:46:00
's comment

@Lilybiri Hi Lieve, you CAN navigate from an #AdobeCaptivate question slide to any content slide outside the quiz. Two possible scenarios: 1. The user has attempted the question, but has not exhausted the number of attempts set in the quiz- in which case, navigating to a content slide, and coming back, will allow the user to still complete the attempts. 2. You use the new ‘remediation’ feature in Captivate, and allow the user to navigate to a specific section of the course to review related material, and on coming back to attempt this quiz- the question will be reset. Details on remediation are in this tutorial: http://youtu.be/Vw9wcgup4s8

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