July 18, 2012
Learning Analytics: How do I make use of them? – Part I
July 18, 2012
Learning Analytics: How do I make use of them? – Part I

Course Companion for Adobe Captivate (ACCC) provides content creators learning analytics that help them understand learners’ response to course content created using Captivate. ACCC allows content creators to instantly measure and visualize learner engagement with the learning content.

Well, there are content developers who create courses every day and there are some who create courses occasionally. Some courses are revised very often while others contain static information that do not need any revisions. Do learning analytics in ACCC help all types of Captivate users and courses?

Let us find out by looking at different personas of Captivate users in a series of blog posts. This blog is the first in the series and describes how Casey, an occasional Captivate user can analyze courses using learning analytics in ACCC.

Casey: I create courses very rarely using Captivate; the number is a single digit for weeks or even months. Sometimes, I upload the courses on the web. My courses do not generally have a version next.

When I hear of analytics, I wonder why I should use them. My understanding is that, analytics are for systems like web sites whose lifecycle is long and undergoes numerous changes based on traffic and usage patterns. My courses are very small and I don’t know what I can do with the data.

ACCC: ACCC learning analytics include a broad spectrum of data from basic information about your course usage such as the number of people who took the course to details about user performance in quizzes. There are information that you can view directly such as how much percentage of people completed the course and there are some information that you can obtain by analyzing graphs or data in detail.

Any course developer like you would be curious to know these data:

  • How many people have seen the course.
  • How many slides have they visited and how much time have they spent on the course and on specific slides.
  • How did the learners fare in assessments (quiz) and how did they answer each question
  • Is there any slide where they went out of the course frequently and then came back to refer something in the course.
  • In a branched course, which branch did users take
  • What are the most and least visited slides
  • What is the usage pattern in a period of days/weeks/months.
  • How many users are using the interactive features (buttons) in the course

What’s more? Over time, you can watch out for specific trends in the usage of  your courses and use that knowledge to develop and deliver better content 🙂

Watch this video for a brief tour of ACCC user interface and where on the UI you can locate these data:

Keep looking for this space to know more on how to use these data if you are an advanced user of Captivate. Let us know if you would like to know anything else about ACCC by leaving a comment here.

2015-04-01 04:57:00
2015-04-01 04:57:00

Good afternoon,
I’m new to Captivate 8 and I’m reviewing the ACCC tutorials and I’m wondering if there’s a way to report on which of my user’s are accessing the Captivate 8 training. I’m not using a LMS, so I’m wondering if there’s a way to report on the Users who access the training materials. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

2014-07-25 20:26:00
2014-07-25 20:26:00

I have created an e-learning package using captivate 7 which is free-roaming, non-linear and not used for assessment. The package will be hosted on Blackboard. Can I use course companion to track ALL interactions over time? There is no success/fail element, we just want to see which areas students look at the most and the least. Have tried using scorm but interaction data only shown for most recent attempt. Scorm Cloud too expensive given the numbers we are dealing with. Any advice is much appreciated.

2013-11-11 22:39:00
2013-11-11 22:39:00

Hellou A3C Team, this Course Companion Widget has absolutely amazing beautiful functionality!!! Simply to prepare for cp developer, simply to use for learner, simply view of results, rich graphicall data. For my personal using – excellent.

I have only two questions
1. Is there some restrictions of using? For example, number of learners, time restrictions etc?
2. Is there a way to print report statistics to PDF? This is very important for learners to look, how they take the quiz.

Thanks for response

2013-08-12 18:59:00
2013-08-12 18:59:00

Is there closed captioning available for what is ACCC? I need my management to view this information ad they would need closed captioning.

2013-08-12 18:58:00
2013-08-12 18:58:00

My organization requires analytics on the inidividual user level; which pages they visit, how long, what they did within the site, scores, if any…
We also need to collect demographics on individual users.
Is there a way to collect this level type of data through ACCC or with a combination of products/approaches?

2013-03-13 05:48:00
2013-03-13 05:48:00

Please explain distraction percentage. Also, I have a report showing, of 8 learners, a 50% completion rate, and no dropouts. What does this mean?

2012-07-24 20:02:00
2012-07-24 20:02:00

I really like the features of the ACCC widget for CP6. What would be especially helpful would be if we could set up course folders and then add the individual lessons to the folder. Additionally, it would be great if we could report at the course level and the lesson level.

2012-07-23 21:58:00
2012-07-23 21:58:00

is ACCC different from the Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer that came with our Captivate 5.0?

's comment
2012-07-24 10:58:00
2012-07-24 10:58:00
's comment

yes it is, Captivate quiz result analyzer only analyses quiz whereas ACCC has lot of other functionality some of which are as mentioned in this blog post.

2012-07-20 21:35:00
2012-07-20 21:35:00

Can this be used when the course is deployed via Adobe Connect server as a course?

's comment
2012-07-23 11:04:00
2012-07-23 11:04:00
's comment

yes, they can be

2012-07-18 17:50:14
2012-07-18 17:50:14

[…] Publish date: July 18, 2012 5:39 pm | Tags: adobe, adobe-presenter, archives, authors, documentation, elearning-suite, george-phillips, learning-videos, mohd-abdulwahed, presenter, rapid-authoring, tutorials, under-the-hood, videos var addthis_product = 'wpp-256'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true}; Bookmark From: […]

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