June 3, 2013
Everything You Need for eLearning with Amazing Adobe Captivate 7
June 3, 2013
Everything You Need for eLearning with Amazing Adobe Captivate 7
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

CP7_boxshot_3in_shadowAlready praise is flying in for Adobe Captivate 7, “Is it worth the jump? Positively YES“, says Jim Liechliter of CaptivateDev.com. I wholeheartedly agree with Jim. The team has described this release of Captivate as ‘Everything You Need to Create Anything in eLearning’ – and it’s a completely appropriate description. There are some positively wonderful surprises for eLearning developers who’ve become accustomed to Adobe Captivate’s powerful toolset, and there are some incredible new features and enhancements for everyone who needs an eLearning authoring tool.

Fast and Easy – You’ll have beautiful content in minutes
First and foremost, Captivate 7 is easy, easy, easy to use. The numbers are in and Captivate users love using Themes, Characters, Smart Shapes and most of all, Smart Learning Interactions to create beautiful content out of the box. Smart Learning Interactions are an incredible tool you’ll only find in Adobe Captivate. Just choose an interaction and then add your own text, sound and images. You get fantastic, fully animated, fully interactive, games, charts, learner activities and interactions that work where you need them – both on desktop and laptop computers, and on mobile devices via HTML5. Adobe Captivate 7 ADDS 15 Brand new Smart Learning Interactions to the bundle, and enhancements for the original 10! Some highlights: A YouTube Interaction, to put YouTube content right inside your course, and even navigate to a precise time within that video, A Web Interaction, to include entire Websites, online or offline in your course, and a Note interaction – with it, your learners can jot down notes about the course for their own reference.

Drag and Drop is as easy as 1-2-3
Only in Captivate, Drag and Drop is easy as 1-2-3 and like virtually everything in Adobe Captivate, no programming required. Instructional Designers often recognize that physical manipulation of items provides an opportunity to meet a wide variety of learning objectives. Adobe Captivate 7 provides an incredibly simple to use – and insanely powerful way to create Drag & Drop interactions for your learners.

Easily Convert PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) to HTML5
With Adobe Captivate 7, Adobe is providing a simple method to convert Microsoft PowerPoint files into HTML5 easily. Just import the file into Captivate 7, then Publish the document as HTML5. Poof, PowerPoint to HTML5 – and best of all, your text, bullets, animations, SmartArt, and even Triggers are retained. This one feature alone would make Captivate 7 well worth the cost, but Captivate has hundreds of amazing features like this.

Fantastic Tools for Education
Educational use of eLearning hits a new high with this release of Adobe Captivate. Now MathMagic is BUILT RIGHT IN! That’s right, math and science teachers, engineers, and other assorted geniuses around the world are having a collective celebration because Adobe Captivate 7 includes an incredibly powerful and totally familiar Equation Editor. Just ‘Insert Equation’ and use the built-in MathMagic Editor to bring your formulas to your learners with ease. (I bet you’re starting to see what I mean about Everything you Need.)

A GIFT for Importing Quiz Databases of Any Size
Also a hit with Educators … Import massive Quizzes with support for Moodle GIFT format file imports. Moodle’s GIFT format is commonly adopted by quiz database translators, and now you can take a GIFT format quiz database and import it into Captivate, INSTANTLY creating a fully formatted, grade generating, review page optional quiz. And I do mean instant. With added support for ALL Quiz Question Types in HTML5 that means that you are just seconds away from converting your entire Quiz Database into an incredibly beautiful online module when you are using Adobe Captivate 7. I am doing an eSeminar on this topic tomorrow, Wednesday, June 5, at 10:00 AM US Pacific. You can register for FREE, here.

Hello Tin Can, I’m Captivate
They make an adorable couple – Adobe Captivate 7 has Tin Can support and even includes a custom Moodle template to make configuring Captivate to report to SCORM in Moodle is easier than ever. In fact, with built in Scorm.com drivers Adobe Captivate 7 will work out of the box with virtually any SCORM compliant or AICC compliant LMS. But why stop there? Adobe Captivate 7 will report your data to Adobe Connect, or to Acrobat.com. You can even report your data to a lightweight LMS (Alternative Reporting) that is included in your Adobe Captivate 7 Goodies. There is simply no more versatile tool for reporting your data to an LMS. And hey, that headache you get when you think about an LMS – Adobe Captivate 7 is like a jumbo painkiller for LMS headaches. Team Captivate is on the spot whenever problems arise – just jump into our incredible forums at captivate.adobe.com and you’ll find help in a Flash.

Powerful Accessibility Enhancements, Including support for WCAG2.0 and ADA
Adobe Captivate 7 is pushing Accessibility to new heights. The content you create can easily be made Accessible to all of your users. We know that many in Education and Government face serious limitations when it comes to course development and Accessibility, so we’ve created intuitive and powerful tools to help you build courses that meet the needs of every learner. I’m giving an eSeminar on Accessibility in Adobe Captivate 7 ‘Understanding Accessiblity Standards for eLearning‘ featuring Adobe’s Greg Pisocky, Accessibility Specialist on June 12, at 10:00 AM US Pacific. You can Register HERE to attend the live session FREE.

But Wait, there’s still more!
Captivate 7 includes support for system audio recording, sharing of Advanced Actions between projects, and even includes the Multi-sco packager! There are enhancements to the A3C (Adobe Captivate Course Companion) which include the ability to facilitate in course communication between learners and educators, as well as between learners.

You won’t want to miss Adobe Captivate 7. You can download a free trial copy here. Join our enormous Facebook community here. Check out tons of great videos here. Learn tips and tricks here. Download Example Courses here. And leave us your thoughts, and share your excitement … right down there…

Oh, and by the way. In my opinion, the Adobe Captivate Community is the biggest and best eLearning community on the planet. You are helpful beyond all expectations, you are kind and clever and come from every corner of the globe. You are also mature, self-critical and full of wonderful ideas. We at Adobe appreciate everything that you contribute to Captivate and we’re proud to share in this journey, building better tools – with each one of you. If you’d like to be more involved with the community, consider joining us on facebook, or participating in the new GetSatisfaction community. You might even like to contribute right here on the Captivate blog, or perhaps write a blog all your own.

2019-04-17 05:01:36
2019-04-17 05:01:36

I have tested it with custom website and it works correctly.

2015-01-15 13:22:00
2015-01-15 13:22:00

Haven’t tried on Moodle but it works well on WordPress with GrassBlade.

2014-04-05 05:34:00
2014-04-05 05:34:00

I just purchased Captivate 7 and am trying to import a Powerpoint 2011 pptx but it keeps giving an error message. Is this a known bug and is there a fix?

2014-02-20 22:08:00
2014-02-20 22:08:00

Is it possible to make Microsoft 2013 power point slides compatible with Captivate 7?

2013-07-26 01:23:00
2013-07-26 01:23:00

Looking for some clarification please. I have eLearning suite 6.1. I upgraded from 2.5. I am interested in CP7.

1. Is there an eLearning Suite 7 in the offing?
2. If I purchase an upgrade to CP7, will it intereact with my eLearning suite 6.1 programs?
3. I see people here referring to subscriptions. Recently at a user meeting Iwas told ther is no Captivate Creative Cloud offering.

I create elearning content. What are my Captivate options at this point?

2013-07-11 20:12:00
2013-07-11 20:12:00


I have a Captivate 6 subscription. If I download the trial version for Captivate 7 (which I understand from posts below is the only way to get it), will I:

1. Be able to continue to run Captivate 6 as part of my month-to-month subscription (so run versions 6&7 simultaneously using one subscription) as long as I need to?

2. Still have access to Captivate 7 after the trial period ends?

I have been on chat with Adobe support and no one can answer these questions.

Please help! I’m beginning a new project that I would like to do in 7, but have other clients that still require version 6 support.


's comment
2013-07-11 21:40:00
2013-07-11 21:40:00
's comment

1. Yes, you can run Cp6 and Cp7 simultaneously with your current subscription.
2. Yes, you will have access to Cp7 as long as you have a valid/ active Captivate subscription.

2013-07-04 02:30:00
2013-07-04 02:30:00

I am testing the new Captivate 7’s ability to publish to the HTML format. Unfortunately, every time I publish, I get this error message:

AMT Subsystem Error
Thank you for using Adobe Media Encoder CS6. The Adobe product that installed Media Encoder has not activated. Please launch and activate that Adobe product before continuing to use Media Encoder.

This Captivate 7 trial is the only Adobe program installed on this test computer. How to get past this so we can see whether Captivate 7 will do what we need it to do.

2013-07-04 00:41:00
2013-07-04 00:41:00

Why is the Youtube interaction 480×360? Most Youtube video are 1280×720. This means there is a lot of letterboxing added when the Youtube video is placed in Captivate.

Also how come the short URLs do not work when used in the URL field of the Youtube interaction dialog box? and why does the URL get entered twice when pasted into the URL field and then the extra needs to be manually deleted?

2013-06-15 02:47:00
2013-06-15 02:47:00

I was traveling and missed the GIFT webinar. Will it be posted soon? I really want to see that.

2013-06-05 19:22:00
2013-06-05 19:22:00

Can HTML5 animations be used in normal Captivate packages as well – i.e. can they be packed into an SWF?

2013-06-05 16:53:53
2013-06-05 16:53:53

[…] “همه ی آنچه شما برای آموزش الکترونیکی به آن نیاز دارید با نرم افزار شگفت انگیز Adobe Captivate 7 ” لینک[+] […]

2013-06-05 11:34:38
2013-06-05 11:34:38

[…] Conversations on Captivate, Presenter and eLearning.blogs.adobe.com/…/everything-you-need-for-elearning-with-a… […]

2013-06-04 11:08:01
2013-06-04 11:08:01

[…] Follow this link: Everything You Need for eLearning with Amazing Adobe Captivate 7 […]

2013-06-04 06:05:00
2013-06-04 06:05:00

Will there be an eLearning Suite 7 out soon?

's comment
2013-06-06 15:43:00
2013-06-06 15:43:00
's comment

No Javier, eLearning Suite – like all suite products – is discontinued. But god news – when you need all the products from eLearning Suite, you can buy separately Creative cloud service (49 EUR/month/yearly plan) + Captivate 7 (23 EUR / monthly/yearly plan) + Adobe Presenter (23 EUR /month /yearly plan). It s over 1140 EUR / year in my country. Nice price, isnt it? Nearly 200% more than the same softwares inside stopped suite products / upgrades / year. And bonus – when you stop the payment, you have nothink -:)

But new Captivate 7 works good. I feel, application run smoother and faster. Upgrading CP6 files into CP7 version works correctly, all the settings and apperances is fully preserved, so I work immediately with my current project in new version.

2013-06-04 05:35:00
2013-06-04 05:35:00

I have a subscription to Captivate, should I be able to upgrade to 7? I tried to update and the Adobe Application Manager said I was up-to-date.

's comment
2013-06-04 05:43:00
2013-06-04 05:43:00
's comment

Hi Jennifer,
I’d recommend you give it a few hours. The servers are different all around the world and so it can take several hours for the new builds / updates to roll out to your local server. You can of course contact support tcssup (at) adobe (dot) com, but I’d guess that it’s likely it just hasn’t propagated to your network yet.

's comment
2013-06-04 05:59:00
2013-06-04 05:59:00
's comment

Thanks for the prompt reply. In other words I will be able to upgrade as soon is it is ready. Good to hear. Curious about the compatibility with Tin Can. Hope you have a webinar on the topic.

's comment
2013-06-04 07:47:00
2013-06-04 07:47:00
's comment

It’s very simple – just choose Tin Can from the LMS selection menu in the Quiz Properties dialog. I’ll probably have an eSeminar on the topic in July – thanks for the suggestion.

's comment
2013-06-07 14:27:00
2013-06-07 14:27:00
's comment

It’s now 7 June and help – update is still telling me I’m up to date on v6.1.0.319

's comment
2013-06-07 16:15:00
2013-06-07 16:15:00
's comment

OK, I’m being told that help – update is just for the interim updates. I need to download the trial version of v7 and activate it with my subscription username and passwords. Presumably that means I’ll have to import or rebuild all my custom themes, buttons, templates, etc.

's comment
2013-06-17 08:12:00
2013-06-17 08:12:00
's comment

I was told the same thing. I downloaded the trial and signed in, and it’s still asking for a serial number.

's comment
2013-11-05 14:29:00
2013-11-05 14:29:00
's comment

even im facing the same problem, any suggestions??

2013-06-04 00:35:57
2013-06-04 00:35:57
2013-06-03 23:45:00
2013-06-03 23:45:00

Does Captivate 7 allow me to preview my HTML5 on my iPad using Edge Inspect and can I easily add Edge Animate Compositions to a Captivate project when not using the Captivate App Packager?

's comment
2013-06-04 02:58:00
2013-06-04 02:58:00
's comment

Hi Tom,

It is working for me with Edge Inspect without any issues. I’m able to open a published Captivate HTML5 file on my Mac and see it appear on the iPad. Are you having some problem with it?

As for the other question, one purpose of the App Packager is to provide a way to integrate HTML5 and Edge animations. So it does allow insert and manipulation of the animation elements. You can control the timing and the location / size of the animation as well as which slide it appears on. You might also be able to open the HTML code to make some other fine tuned adjustments.

I think we’re still a bit away from being able to simply insert HTML5 animations directly into the Cp authoring environment. The app packager is a way to provide the functionality today, as we continue to work on new features like this.


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