October 20, 2014
Adobe Captivate 8 Essential Training now available on Lynda.com
October 20, 2014
Adobe Captivate 8 Essential Training now available on Lynda.com
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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Captivate 8Lynda.com has announced an Essential Training course on Adobe Captivate 8 by Aaron Quigley. It’s a great course for beginners and intermediate users to explore the Captivate authoring workflow and capabilities, and learn how to use the new features introduced in Adobe Captivate 8. This course is also very useful for folks who want to get started with responsive eLearning course creation with Adobe Captivate 8.

Here’s one of the videos from the course. The complete course is 2 hours and 35 minutes long and guides you through the features and tools of Captivate 8, while providing instructional-design tips for creating successful eLearning and mLearning projects.

In this course, Aaron has covered adding content to a Captivate project; working with interactions, navigation, and assessments; and making your responsive eLearning courses adjust to display correctly on desktops, tablets, and smart phones. The basic eLearning features are addressed, as well as new advanced features such as touch-gesture support. Plus, a brief tour of the publishing options to help you find just the right format for your project.

It’s a great learning resource for new Captivate users and a useful refresher for seasoned Captivate users. Go check it out!

2015-04-17 00:43:00
2015-04-17 00:43:00

I am frustrated and looking for help with publishing a Captivate 8 file that has 2 short movies embedded. When it is published to my companies Intranet it takes 5 mins to render on the user’s screen even though it is only 17.4kb in size. My collegue and I have tried several settings while publishing inclduing HTML5, Movie, and SWF but nothing has helped. We have not been able to find anything that covers this online or with our Captivate help consultants.

Has anyone else had an issue similar to this?
Does anyone know how to get this to render quicker for our end users?
thanks for any help you!!!

2014-10-21 21:48:00
2014-10-21 21:48:00

I’ve taken this course and it is very informative. My only issue was that Aaron tends to move pretty fast so I had to back it up a few times but other than that.. good course. Can’t wait for the advanced lesson.

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