August 9, 2016
What Does Captivate do to be Section 508 Compliant?
Enabling 508 Compliance makes certain elements in Adobe Captivate projects accessible or open to accessibility technology. For example, if 508 Compliance is enabled, and you have filled in the project name and project description text boxes in Project preferences, a screen reader will read the name and description when the Adobe Captivate SWF file is played.
The following Adobe Captivate elements are accessible when 508 Compliance is enabled:
´Project name (derived from Project Properties)
´Project description (derived from Project Properties)
´Slide accessibility text
´Slide label (derived from Slide Properties)
´Playback controls (The function of each button is read by screen readers)
´Password protection (If an Adobe Captivate SWF file is password protected, the prompt for a password is read by screen readers)
´Question slides (Title, question, answers, button text, and scoring report are read by screen readers)
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