October 26, 2016
How to publish a Captivate project as an iOS app?
- Choose Publish for Devices (App) from Publish menu.
- Log in to PhoneGap using PhoneGap user name and password or Adobe ID login credentials. Click Register to register for PhoneGap or Adobe ID accounts if you do not have an existing account.
- Choose App> Create New for new application.
- Mention the version number, name of the app and the Package name for the app. While mentioning the package name, ensure that you give unique package name otherwise the existing project is replaced.
- Click More to choose your personal publishing preferences for the app, like geolocation, gestures, accessibility, and so on.
- Click Next to provide the required certificate/key information for your app. You can choose iOS or Android or both by clicking the check boxes adjacent to them and provide certificate/key information corresponding to each platform.
- Refer to the apple developer support siteand create an app developer certificate. Refer to program enrollment for more information.
- Refer to the instructions on the PhoneGap build site to generate and upload keys to PhoneGap build.
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