I’ve answered several questions regarding accessibility and the pre-built Captivate quiz slides over the past few months and decided to put the information here for easy access to anyone who needs it. To start with: Tab/Enter is not the default method of navigation for a multiple choice quiz slide. The following will work on Firefox and IE 11 and worked in Chrome when I was building to it last year.
1. None of the slide reads without tabbing in – the entire thing is built in and interactive format so the text doesn’t read without being selected.
2. When you first select “tab” – you will access the Title Area (if you have it on the slide)
2. Tab again to access the question stem
3. Use the up and down arrow keys to access the radio button objects that contain the answers. (Some times, once you have accessed the answers, the tab button will work, but don’t use it until step 5) Although only the radio button is highlighted, the text is automatically included and read.
4. Once you have chosen the answer, use the space bar to select it (the circle will fill in). Again – don’t use the tab button if you are not certain of the answer – once you tab out of this step , you have locked in the answer and can’t change it, you can only submit it.
5. Use the tab key to get out of the radio button area – you will go directly to the submit key – select enter to finish the question and record your answer
6. The weirdest part – after the feedback is presented and you have selected the correct answer or completed the number of attempts allowed, you have to select enter an gain to get off the slide. It doesn’t matter where your highlight box is or your cursor is, but you have to be on the slide and select enter again to continue.
These directions will need to be clearly stated and should be available for users as needed – check with your accessibility office to determine the format and placement of the directions.
Is anyone else having issues with the Submit button?? I’m testing a course in JAWS 2019 current version (40 minute mode), and I’m testing in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Tabbing between buttons works more consistently than my experience with previous versions, but the Submit button does not activate when I hit enter. I have assigned the shortcut Shift to the submit button and that works; however, this is not going to be intuitive for my non-mouse users! Also, is there a way to change the “Click y to continue” to something else? Y is the quick key for Spans in the screen reader.
I am so frustrated! This isn’t working for me. I’m accessibility-testing a course I created, and tabbing through the quiz questions isn’t working AT ALL. Tabbing only identifies the navigation and submit buttons. It only reads the question SOMETIMES, it doesn’t read the answer choices at all, and I cannot seem to access the answer buttons using any keys. I’ve added accessibility to other slides (using Ctrl as a shortcut to activate a button, for example), so I know I’m doing something that works elsewhere in the course, but the multiple choice standard quiz question format won’t work. I’m about to tear my hair out with this!!
I’ve recently been doing some extensive accessibility (a11y) testing with Captivate 2019, NVDA and JAWS, trying to mitigate numerous issues to address our university’s (and WCAG2.0) accessibility and usability (AUL) lab requirements.One of those issues has to do with how a screen reader (SR) user navigates through the quiz questions and answers. According to the AUL, SR users should be able to simply use their arrow keys to access ALL the components of a quiz in the appropriate order: the question title, question stem, selection trigger (radio button or check box), selection text (distracter), submit button and feedback. SR users should not have to change from arrows to tab in order to access the trigger or distractor for instance. (In fact, the SR user wont intuitively know they need to change their method of navigation to access the distractors.) LONG STORY SHORT – In my testing, I can use arrow keys with NVDA 2018.4 and Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (32bit) on Win 7 E SP1 to access all components with only one remaining issue to hit arrow again after reading the feedback before continuing to the next question. Using FireFox (FF) requires the SR user to switch to the tab key to access the distractors and reads the trigger after the distractor instead of before where it should be read, among other issues. With the course my department creates, we will start including instructions on the first page for our SR users to use Chrome with NVDA as the preferred method. Though this does not truly address all of the a11y issues with Captivate, it is the best we can come up with for now and perhaps will help you keep you hair. Mine is pretty much gone already 😉
I’m encountering the same issues as marya above when testing a course published to HTML5. Adobe seriously needs to address this issue in an update. Adobe’s claim that “multiple choice quiz slides are accessible” doesn’t seem to be true for HTML5-published courses in IE 11. This is unacceptable given that SWF is going away. We should not have to scour the Internet for complicated workarounds when using standard quiz slides.
This seems to have changed with the latest version of Chrome. I am using Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit) and tabbing through quizzes no longer works the same way it used to 🙁 when publishing to HTML5. I would love to see some work around built through scripting or updating CSS.
Wow, navigating this way seems challenging.
Agreed, but it is the way the keyboard shortcut and access is set up in the pre-built quiz slides. I am not a fan of the functionality, but it is accessible and w can meet the needs of the learners. Because we have had the time and resources to do so, we either build our own quiz slides that use the tab/enter method only or rely on the built-in test capabilities in our LMS.
You read my mind. I was just going to ask if you thought a custom solution was a better solution.
Perhaps this community could be a guiding voice in Accessibility given enough sharing of best practices.
Here are two threads that have information on possible ways forward to build custom interactions (and possible 508 issues depending on your standards, readers and Captivate version)