May 18, 2017
Who Are the Decision Makers When Selling elearning?
May 18, 2017
Who Are the Decision Makers When Selling elearning?
This is my new profile. Lost access to old one.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 10 people

I’m starting out as a freelance elearning designer/developer and for those who are self-employed, I was wondering who do you target when trying to sell elearning to a company. Do you talk to HR, the MD or someone else? I’d really appreciate your help as I’ve never done this before and struggling a bit lol.

2017-05-21 10:46:10
2017-05-21 10:46:10

No problem.

2017-05-19 00:02:53
2017-05-19 00:02:53

Hey Luke,

A trend these days is to have a department in the HR department often called Organizational Effectiveness. Building a relationship with anyone in this department can lead to opportunity but the director of this department or possible the manager of learning design.


Paul Wilson
's comment
2017-05-21 09:51:48
2017-05-21 09:51:48
Paul Wilson
's comment

Hey Paul,

Thanks so much for that. Gives me a much better idea of who look for now.


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