Greetings Community,
As a trainer and practitioner of Adult Learning, I am always interested in the ways and means to approach e-learning through the looking glass of Adult Learning theory. I am currently at SUNY-Empire to learn more about this integration with a MA in Adult Learning/Learning Technologies. Always looking for best practices from my AL community. Chime in!!
Diana Sterling
I am also working on projects for adult learning. We have focused on formative assessment and allowing the user to get to what they need quickly and test out of what they already know. We’re doing advanced analytics and not relying on pre and post data to measure learning. I tried to link to my blog post about it here, but the system won’t let me.
Sorry I missed your message about meeting up at the DevLearn. I was there. Please contact me at if you would like to set up a time to connect on Zoom, Skype or phone.
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