October 28, 2017
The Adobe Learning Summit 2017 – A Lot of Bang for Your Buck!
October 28, 2017
The Adobe Learning Summit 2017 – A Lot of Bang for Your Buck!
I'm the IT guy for a software company in Kingston, TN but the scope of my job extends into eLearning Development and Customer Service. I've been working with Adobe Captivate since 2016. I love solving problems myself and other users encounter in Captivate and pushing the software to "find out what it can do". I'm currently working on my Master's Degree in Information Technology Management.
Newbie 13 posts
Followers: 20 people



This past Tuesday a colleague and I were fortunate enough to attend the Adobe Learning Summit in Las Vegas, NV. I went in with high hopes and I wasn’t disappointed. The amount of information presented is almost overwhelming, there was simply so much to learn and so many practical tips. The presenters not only demonstrated mini-projects they had built for the conference but demonstrated HOW they accomplished what they had done. They paused to answer questions while they were presenting and were willing to spend one-on-one time with you after a session to discuss a technique they had demonstrated or to answer questions about a particular problem you were having with Captivate.

Between my colleague and myself we attended 6 of the breakout sessions. We went to two together and the two each separately and we found each session to be extremely useful. We both took multiple pages of notes and when I reviewed my notes later I found several comments that read something like “we could use multi-state objects to do this” or “we could use a bit of Javascript to do this”. I left each session filled with excitement and a desire to pull my laptop out in the grand ballroom and begin working while I was at the conference.

My take away from the conference is that you get an awful lot of bang for your buck and I hope to return next year.

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