November 30, 2017
Learndash/Captivate quick and dirty and free integration
November 30, 2017
Learndash/Captivate quick and dirty and free integration
Newbie 12 posts
Followers: 11 people

For anyone intending to use Cp with Learndash, here is a quick (and free) method for getting your projects on your site. Useful for previewing if nothing else, no xAPI/SCORM integration but there seem to be precious few ways of publishing Cp projects without the use of paid plugins.

Code needed:

[cap_iframe_loader type=’iframe’ width=’100%’ height=’600′ frameborder=’0′ src=’’]

Edit to match your details ( and everything after uploads/)



2017-12-05 10:39:50
2017-12-05 10:39:50

Hi Gareth

I’m the developer of the LearnDash Topic Progression plugin mentioned in the video!

I think it’s important to mention to your viewers that the shortcode which you have provided will not work unless you have this plugin installed on your site (

But just to be clear, all that your shortcode will do is replicate the functionality of a standard iframe, so as long as you have manually uploaded your Captivate project to your web server as you have instructed, then the following code would do exactly the same thing without the need for any plugins:

's comment
2017-12-05 10:48:45
2017-12-05 10:48:45
's comment

Sorry my code snippet got stripped in the comment, let’s try this way:

( iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”600″ frameborder=”0″ ) ( /iframe )

Replace parenthesis with ‘less/more than’ symbols

's comment
2017-12-05 13:13:38
2017-12-05 13:13:38
's comment


That was a stupid mistake of mine, thanks for pointing it out. I had the plugin you mentioned installed from my previous research and didn’t stop to think that its presence was necessary for my code. It seems that my method inadvertently gets past the two upload restriction that the plugin has in place. I would always encourage people to pay devs for their time and skill so would recommend anyone following this to disregard my method and use instead the code which Chris has kindly provided which works perfectly. You may certainly feel that $99 is a fair price to pay to avoid having to manually upload your stuff via ftp each time however.

Another edit, in my video I say that Chris’ plugin gives users control over course progression, I should have said that it gives course creators control.

Chris – I hope I was right about the comments I made about your plugin. It seems confusing/frustrating for new users that Learndash is pointing them towards your plugin and not describing properly exactly what it does. The support page says:

“If you don’t need data (as in Tin Can data) obtained from the file itself, you can launch Articulate/Captivate in LearnDash using this free solution:


's comment
2017-12-05 13:19:47
2017-12-05 13:19:47
's comment

Well said, Gareth.

I think your video provides a good information overview for LearnDash+Captivate users for which I know there are a few out there.

2017-12-05 09:59:39
2017-12-05 09:59:39

What does it look like when you click the link?

J Yas
's comment
2017-12-05 13:15:35
2017-12-05 13:15:35
J Yas
's comment

This code automatically loads the Cp project in a frame, the user doesn’t have to click on anything, the project will just appear in a frame in the page (size/border etc defined by you)

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