Multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate are a powerhouse of possibilities to create interactions with absolute ease. If you’ve not yet started using multi-state objects to build interactions, now is the time to start using it. You will be delighted to discover this magic mantra to reduce the number of steps to create an interaction, and making your timeline look clutter free.
During this session, Dr. Pooja Jaisingh will show you how to create simple interactions using multi-state objects and simple actions. Then she will show you how to take your interactions to the next level by using multi-state objects alongside advanced actions, variables, effects, drag and drop interactions, and other features and functionalities of Captivate. Along the way, she will share the tips and tricks of making the most of multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate.
Webinar title: Adobe Captivate 2017: The Ultimate Guide to Make the Most of Multi-State Objects
Date and time: Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Download the workbook – [Workbook] Multi-state Objects in Adobe Captivate 2017
Thank you for all you do, Dr. Jaisingh. I am loving your excellent “Mastering Adobe Captivate 2017” which you co-wrote with Damien Bruyndonckx. I am fully prepared to take a train in Belgium. Your five-part “Step Zero” series for planning and creating a scenario-based training is also very helpful.* I’m working to integrate my training and quiz content into a Moodle LMS and to use Moodle to generate reports. For that I am relying on Anastasia McCune’s “Captivate 9 – Reporting Results” tutorials on Any links or tutorials you might suggest would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!
Thanks for your kind words, David! 🙂
I’m conducting a webinar today at 8 AM PT on building interactions, so feel free to join us:
And I think you might like this short course on animations and effects:
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