Interactive presentation (webinar)
Last week I presented a webinar ‘Dare to Share: Power of Shared Actions’ for a pretty big crowd. As usual I presented using a Captivate presentation, since I don’t feel it to be appropriate to use Powerpoint when Captivate has so much more features. One of the advantages is that I am able to convert that presentation in an interactive movie. If you did miss the webinar and did not register to have access to the recorded versions, you can watch this movie using this link:
It is Rescalable HTML5 output, you can also watch it on mobile devices, but only in landscape mode.
Content of Presentation
Five topics in this presentation:
- Importing and using a Shared action
- Creating a Shared action (two workflows)
- Parameter types
- Using a Shared action as a Template
- How to choose between Shared and Advanced action
The presentation itself is using a lot of shared actions as you’ll be able to see because I included these screenshots under the ‘Information’ button:
- To create a dashboard
- To deactivate an interactive object after all has been viewed
- To create toggle buttons
- To skip audio when a slide is revisited
- In a Drag&Drop slide to show Feedback for each drag action.
- ….
A lot more is possible with Shared actions to replace Advanced actions and make it easier to transfer the scripts to new projects for reusing. A typical example are custom question slides of all types (not only MCQ). To attribute all fhe functionality of the default question slides to those custom question slides, it takes a lot of work creating the actions. By reflecting on the setup you can create shared actions that can be easily reused not only in the present project but in all your future projects.
Some of the mentioned examples will be published in a later blog post. If you want to learn more about Shared actions, which are a lot more flexible that the older advanced actions, send me a note. I am preparing several booklets. One will be about Shared Actions. Those booklets can be used as cookbooks, with recipes but also offer in-depth information about the topci.