May 3, 2018
Advanced Action TEB issue with letters P and R when used as Literal If Statements
May 3, 2018
Advanced Action TEB issue with letters P and R when used as Literal If Statements
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi Captivate gurus,

I’m building a crossword puzzle for one of our courses. I have it set up with a text box on top of each square where the user can add a letter, and I have an advanced action that changes the color of the box when the user clicks “Submit” – green for correct, red for incorrect. The action currently works for everything accept for the letters R and P. I imagine there must be some other item interfering with this, but I can’t figure it out.

An example of a working Advanced Action is:

  • If A1_G (the Variable of the text box) is equal to Literal G, change the state of A1_G_Space (the box) to Correct (green). Else change the state of A1_G_Space to Incorrect (red).

Meanwhile, the exact same Advanced Action for the letters P and R don’t work, as this example illustrates:

  • If A1_P (Variable of text box) is equal to Literal P, change the state of A1_P_Space (the box) to Correct (green). Else change the state of A1_P_Space to Incorrect (red).

The P and R boxes always show green, even if an incorrect answer is given. For some reason the Then statement is being activated every time. I imagine it has something to do with my naming conventions or a Captivate shortcut key, but I’ve tried multiple tweaks with no luck.

Any wisdom you can share would be appreciated!

2018-05-18 13:15:41
2018-05-18 13:15:41

You’re welcome! Lot of users do not realize how correct labeling can be a time saver later on.

2018-05-18 13:14:46
2018-05-18 13:14:46

You’re welcome!

2018-05-18 12:58:55
2018-05-18 12:58:55

Fine that you found the solution. Maybe a tip, which I also offer during any Captivate training: set up a table for labeling. To avoid that a label is used twice (which could cause other problems), start any label with one or two characters identifying the objects. I use v_ as starters for variables, i_ for images, tx_ for text etc. Makes it easier to identify names, and to use filtering in dropdown lists.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-05-18 13:14:13
2018-05-18 13:14:13
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

That is a fantastic tip! I ended up “accidentally” doing this. But planning it out ahead of time would have certainly been more productive. Tip for the future. Appreciate it!

2018-05-18 12:49:13
2018-05-18 12:49:13

Thank you both. After searching further, there were two variables (one P and one R) that were preventing this from working. Double checking variables is key here!

2018-05-04 09:26:05
2018-05-04 09:26:05

Try to replace the literal by another user variable to which you assign the letter as a command in a first decision that is not conditional. You can reuse that variable for each action. I would also strongly recommend to use shared actions for this use case.

2018-05-03 19:37:19
2018-05-03 19:37:19

Could you please share the exact version of Captivate you are using?

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