May 23, 2018
Captivate slide containing video, automatically places video on top layer/higher index – which hides custom button meant to overlap video.
May 23, 2018
Captivate slide containing video, automatically places video on top layer/higher index – which hides custom button meant to overlap video.
Newbie 2 posts
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I have a captivate project which contains multiple multi-synchronized videos throughout. I have a custom button that appears towards the end of each video allowing the user to advance. I also have a custom pause/play button that is meant to be seen throughout the course of the video. However when the project is viewed on mobile, the video is automatically fullscreen, and the buttons I created are nowhere to be seen. Is this a z-index thing? Is there a way to solve this?

2018-06-12 15:43:48
2018-06-12 15:43:48

Thank you Lieve for your response! The videos only seem to behave this way on ios, but are fine on android. We only needed it to work on android so I didnt’ pursue it any further, but will try this method if/when we need this course to work on all mobile devices:)

2018-05-24 08:48:20
2018-05-24 08:48:20

I didn’t double-check in the latest version but you could try it: look for the AdobeCaptivate.ini file in the installation folder (take a backup please), search for “UseWidget7 = 0” and change it to “UseWidget7 = 1”.
Is the custom Play/pause button on master slide or timed for the rest of the proejct? Be sure to set it to ‘Always on Top’.

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