May 24, 2018
Converting imported images into buttons within fluid boxes in responsive project
May 24, 2018
Converting imported images into buttons within fluid boxes in responsive project
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 0 people

I’m creating my first responsive project and am trying to rebuild a project from a client originally created in PowerPoint. There are navigation buttons that I need to import as images. In the past, I would just add an invisible button overlay to create the functionality. Now, with fluid boxes, I’m not sure how to turn the images into navigation buttons. I’m attaching a screen capture of the title screen to show the 3 fluid box layout with which I’m working. Thanks, Dan

2018-05-25 15:18:29
2018-05-25 15:18:29

It can be confusing, don’t understand why this question now appears as a discussion. Could you solve the problem with that answer?

2018-05-25 15:01:03
2018-05-25 15:01:03

I apologize for the double posting. I actually didn’t realize I had completed this posting which is why I added the question.

2018-05-25 08:11:18
2018-05-25 08:11:18

I have already answered this question on the forums. It is not very pleasant to have to repeat the same answer because you posted in two different locations. I spent a lot of time trying to help CP-users, please avoid double posting.
Summary of my previous answer: you cannot stack objects in normal fluid boxes. It is very easy to avoid stacking in this case: instead of covering an image with a transparent button or click box, please use a Shape button which is filled with an image. Have a look at:
The disadvantage of having to post a comment in a discussion instead of answering a question is that you you cannot add images/screenshots, and you cannot convert an URL to a working link. My previous answer in the question forums was for that reason much easier for you to read.

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