June 25, 2018
Adobe Captivate 2017 project size vs. Captivate 9 project size
June 25, 2018
Adobe Captivate 2017 project size vs. Captivate 9 project size
Newbie 1 posts
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I recently built a new project in Captivate 2017 and was having issues optimizing the size to play well in our LMS. I rebuilt the same project(same images and audio) in Captivate 9 and it saved as a third of the size that it was in Captivate 2017. ( example Cap.9  was 112 MB and Cap. 2017 was 360 MB ) Has anyone else noticed this and have suggestions on how to optimize the size in 2017?

2018-06-26 15:06:17
2018-06-26 15:06:17

I ran into the same issue. C9 had 16 files in zipped folder, but 2017 had 168 files in zipped folder. I ran through the library and deleted all items not in use, and it dropped it to 163 in the zipped folder, still a lot.

2018-06-26 08:37:02
2018-06-26 08:37:02

I cannot imagine that you mean the output file size, it will be the size of the cptx- folder. Can you check the output size? An unknown feature is in the panel ‘Project Info’: it has a Check Size button which will calculate the output size for a HTML project.

2018-06-26 05:37:54
2018-06-26 05:37:54

Do you mean the CPTX file size or the output ZIP file?

If its related to CPTX file, please check if you have any unused item in Cp2017 projects Library. You may try to delete those items.


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