A small twist on the use of drag and drop that might help you with some of your projects.
Here is a really simple project with many possible ideas for execution.
I like to create practice opportunities for my learners. Now, to be sure, things like this can get complicated real fast when you start getting into variables, showing and hiding objects, and the need to reset all of that stuff. I like the idea of using drag and drop where the only thing you have on screen are drag sources. No drop targets. Essentially you can move them but as soon as you release the mouse the objects will return to their starting positions. In this way – there is no need to reset shapes or anything.
I like to use this is situations where the learner can check their answers to see how they are doing. No need to score stuff – just practice and check – sort of like flash cards.
So this project demonstrates a couple ideas for this with some simple math facts and a language vocabulary check.
Again – nothing fancy here – just some shapes on the screen that are marked as drag sources. The only trick might be making sure that your stuff is layered properly.
Feel free to ask any questions that you might have. How might you use this idea in your own projects?
So strange, I am on a retina screen (Surface Pro) and it was blown up at least x5. I didn’t get any comments on my inserted movies yet, but I always publish to rescalable HTML. Could you have a look at one of my blogs? There is an embedded movie in that about Drag&Drop Review. Would like to hear how you see it?
I looked at the drag and drop review mode one.
It re-scaled for me just fine.
As a side note, I have been toying with the 800 x 600 fixed vs scaling from time to time. I figure 800 x 600 should fit most screens without the need to resize. I have been curious about text and image distortions when re-scaling.
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