Have you ever worked on an eLearning project that required two languages? When you encounter this issue you have a few options, you can always build two eLearning Courses, one in each language, or you can try to include both languages in a single project. I typically choose the later approach, but depending on the course requirements I may approach the secondary/alternate language implementation in different ways. This is my second video on the subject and this is the approach I prefer, assuming the technique fits the requirements of the project. In this video I will demonstrate how I build a project with two languages and include a button or buttons on each slide that allows the user to choose/change their preferred language on each slide and have their change persist until they either change it again or finish the course.
I appreciate being able to “peek” into the work flow, this, to me is something missing from a lot of existing training videos that tend to be very task specific. Actually being able to see someone think through and work through a project from beginning to end is helpful to me. Thanks Chris!
You can have small problems with this approach if the two languages lead to different sizes of the text containers and to different lenghts of audio clips. If the course is not too big, a third approach would be to use branching and duplicate slides in two languages. This is perfectly possible if you turn on Branch aware for Quiz Preferences, to avoid having wrong values for the quizzing system variables. I explained this approach in an older blog post (before multistate objects):
I am a strong believer in exhaustive planning before beginning to build a project and the questions I want answered during planning help me determine what approach I take when tackling an issue/feature like multiple languages. For these projects I want to know how much “content” there is one each slide (is there room to make the text containers larger than necessary for the primary language), will there be audio and if so is it available in all languages or just the primary language, what type if output does the LMS, if using one, expect? Those are some of the things I want to know before I decide how to implement a feature when building the project.
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