Some projects may require the use of a menu slide. This slide also may contain audio and buttons that allows the user to jump from the menu slide to another section and back.
Issue: The user navigates back to the menu slide and the audio replays. If you do not want the audio replay on return, below is a tip that may resolve this issue.
In Advanced Actions Variables
- Create a new User variable (Example: audioOneplay) with a Value of 0
- Close Variables window
- Create a Conditional Advance Action
Conditional Advanced Action
- audioOneplay is equal to 0
- Play Audio (then select name of your audio file from drop down)
- Assign audioOneplay with 1
Posted another comment, which is waiting approval. Because this workflow and another one has been posted multiple times in my blog.
Problem with this approach is that you cannot use CC with the Play Audio command. If you need CC because of compliance rules, you need the second approach with micronavigation, explained in the blog posts that will shown up when my previous comment is approved. I don’t understand why links to blogs in this portal have to be approved, seems to be double work since they got approval when posted.
Watch the result in this movie:
I have posted this solution many times on my blog, but have another one that may be more interesting, since it is using micronavigation and can be used in many other situations, like forcing first view, as well.
Have a look at these blog posts:
Those are the two most recent posts, many more…
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