August 15, 2018
Captivate 2019 – CSV Import for Questions
August 15, 2018
Captivate 2019 – CSV Import for Questions
I've been an eLearning designer and developer since 2005. In 2015 I started my own eLearning design company. I began creating Adobe Captivate video tutorials to help promote my business through my YouTube channel at My intention with my YouTube videos was to attract attention from organizations looking for a skilled Captivate developer. This strategy proved successful as I've worked with clients worldwide, helping them build highly engaging eLearning solutions. In addition, my YouTube channel presented another benefit of attracting aspiring Captivate developers to seek me out as a teacher. I now offer online and onsite training on Adobe Captivate, teaching users the skills to build engaging and interactive learning.
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Followers: 986 people

2019-11-26 22:25:16
2019-11-26 22:25:16

Thanks Paul! I found your videos on Youtube and when I couldn’t find the CSV generator, I started making one and then thought to check here. You have all the answers! Thank you!

2018-09-18 15:29:28
2018-09-18 15:29:28

Is this something that would help with translating content of a course

Eric Dumas
's comment
2018-09-18 16:33:27
2018-09-18 16:33:27
Eric Dumas
's comment

Still prefer GIFT import because it can handle partial points for MCQ with multiple correct answers. I also use it for localising, have a look at:

2018-09-17 21:29:03
2018-09-17 21:29:03

The CSV function won’t import SD or MR questions (Standard Dropdown and Multiple Choice/ Multiple Response questions). Pretty frustrating. No problems with Storyline 3.

's comment
2020-02-28 15:55:30
2020-02-28 15:55:30
's comment

Captivate can do Multiple Choice/Multiple Response questions.

CSV files written for Storyline are not entirely compatible with Captivate. Do not use “MR,” use “MC” as that is the correct question type for multiple choice questions. ‘SD’ and ‘MR’ question types are unique to Storyline. Multiple Choice/Multiple Response questions are achieved by specifying more than one keyed (correct) response.

  • Specify the question type ‘MC‘ for Multiple Choice.
  • For each correct answer, place an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line.
  • Captivate automatically determines the question to be a Multiple Choice/Multiple Response question type.
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