4K monitors, tweaks, UX for CP Users.
I reported this issue in CP-2017 and I’m a bit surprised that this simple tweak was not made for CP-2019. I use a 4K monitor and the PROPERTIES pane has a fixed maximum height of 1,045. I am still needing to scroll down to us properties such as shadow because of that limitation. This is a simple fix that any programmer could do in minutes. Hard-Core C programmers could find the limit and set it to the Window height. C++ programmers have a property for that. This is not hard to fix, but it is quite annoying in the year 2018.
With 4K monitors, the ability to grab the right side of the screen (left of the panels) to size the panels is terrible because the panel border is about 1px of grab-handle. You can visually see how thin it is. I reported this issue as well and the width of the border/ splitter could be enhanced or the grab-zone metrics increased. Better and thicker with the panels detatched, but not when docked to the main CP program Window. Again, simple programming 101 stuff to fix.
Using White Text on a dark background causes spell check to be white fonts on a white background and you can’t see the context of the word at all. Make spell-check fonts ALWAYS black. Yeah, I reported this in CP bug logs several times now.
White fonts don’t work well in drag-n-drop Quizzes either because the drop-down inherits the font color with an automatic light background in the drop-down. Where’s the option to change the drop-down background color or just detect that the color is too white and automatically change the drop-down color to darker gray? Or in my case, stop using white fonts, even when the background color is dark blue? Lots of white text issues.
Anyone else seeing this?
Anyone else wanting this to be modernized?
Anyone else want to see Adobe go through the bug logs and knock out the UX items that we have been asking for?
New features are great and 3D glasses are cool, but the UX for the people using the software is somehow overlooked for these minor, yet annoying issues?
ANY change that takes less than 1 hour to code or tweak should be done, no exceptions. Change the policy.
ANY change that has more than 5 requests and takes less than 4 hours to code should be updated. Change the policy.
User-drawn drag-and-drop Quizzes should become part of the Quiz Pools (and Quiz Scopes) and thus share the same scoring behavior and not need hacks to reset them on failed results.
I would love to see refinement to what we work with every day as having the same importance as new ideas like 3D glasses, Interactive Video and Fluid Boxed 2.0. Refine, refine, refine… what is already there.
Yes, I am using the Expert UI. This is such an easy fix for a programmer to do. I have other gripes like how QUIZ-Pools are technically linked to Quizzes, but when you click on a Quiz Pool, you must then pick the drop-down and find the quizzes linked. Like how my list of 120+ final exam Quiz pools requires me to scroll down with NO vertical scrollbar and of course as I just noted, no automatic link to the quiz pool set, even though it says it is linked? So strange and still not fixed after all these years.
More than 5 requests? For an application that is used by many tens of thousands? The only way to have something getting on the priority list is to log the feature request over and over again. I am not using a 4K monitor but have retina screens. Are you using the Expert UI? At least it offers more control over sizing and location of the panels.
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