A Job Aid is like a checklist, a cheat-sheet or any kind of quick reference material that employees can use in the execution of their jobs. In Adobe Captivate Prime, Job Aids are organized in Catalogs. Read more to find out what you need to know about Job Aids in Adobe Captivate Prime.
What is a Job Aid?
A Job Aid in the Adobe Captivate Prime LMS is any kind of content, such as a document /excel sheet/ video, that helps a user do their job/ complete a task. For example, a customer service executive dealing with product returns or exchanges on an online portal, could use a video tutorial to understand the steps required to fulfill a return request. The video they watch is a Job Aid, and one they can download and use as reference material anytime they like.
Depending on the kind of user and the Skills they are assigned, corresponding Job Aids are made available in Prime. A learner can explore the available Job Aids in the catalogs. The Job Aids that they select will appear in a widget on their Learner Dashboard. An Admin or Manager may also assign relevant Job Aids to a learner.
Roles and Job Aids
- An Author creates Job Aids that assist learners in the roles they fulfill at work. Supported formats include:
- All video file formats
The Job Aids are assigned Skills that then make them relevant to the learner and help in filtering the Job Aids. To learn more about the process of creating a Job Aid, visit the Adobe Helpx section on Job Aids.
Note: Using a Job Aid does not contribute towards the achievement of a Skill.
- The Author, after publishing the Job Aid, can use the drop-down menu from the settings icon beside every Job Aid to edit, preview or withdraw the Job Aid.
- Can assign a Job Aid to a learner:
A Manager has access to the repository of Job Aids, and can only view Published Job Aids, sort them according to Skills, and manage the assignment of Job Aids to learners. If a Manager decides that a certain Job Aid is relevant to a certain task/function, or in the achievement of certain Skills, they can assign it to learners in their team as deemed required.
Please note: A Manager cannot create, publish, or withdraw a Job Aid.
You can also find this information in the Adobe Helpx section on Job Aids.
- Publish a Job Aid
As soon as content is created, it is automatically available in the catalog (visit the Helpx section on Catalogs). An Admin can publish a Job Aid; however, an Admin cannot create a Job Aid. To create a Job Aid, an Admin must log in as an Author. When a Job Aid is published, it becomes available on the (enabled) catalog for Users/Learners to see and potentially download/access
- Withdraw a Job Aid
If, after it has been published, a Job Aid becomes unnecessary or irrelevant, it may be withdrawn from the catalog – just like how courses can be retired. Only an Admin or an Author can decide when a Job Aid should be withdrawn.
- Assign a Job Aid to a Learner/User
If an Admin decides that a certain Job Aid is relevant to a certain task/function, or in the achievement of certain Skills, they can assign it to Users/Learners as required.
To learn how to do the above, please visit the Adobe Helpx section on Job Aids for Administrators.
- Create a Job Aids Report. The Admin is the only role that may use the reporting feature in Prime to generate a Job Aids report. Below is a summary of what a Job Aids report entails.
Note: All the above roles can preview Job Aids to see what they look like before publishing and without downloading them.
Job Aids Report
An Admin of an LMS is the only role that can export a Job Aids Report.
Admins can export reports using the data gathered in the LRS (Learning Record Store) to understand the usefulness of Job Aids in Prime. A Job Aids Report provides data such as the number of downloads, by whom, when, and various other details that provide valuable information to Admins.
A Job Aids Report provides information about all Job Aids and their respective downloads. The image below is a sample representation of the kind of information that a Job Aids Report contains:
Example of a Job Aids Report:
Primarily, a Job Aids Report allows an Admin – and thus the L&D and other authorities – to use the information found to understand patterns about Job Aids. All information regarding the downloads and the Users/learners who downloaded the Job Aids is available here. The data may also provide an understanding of the usefulness of Job Aids in comparing the performance/ achievements of Users/Learners who did not use them with those that did.
To learn how to generate a Job Aids Report, go to the Adobe Helpx section on Job Aids Reports.
For further assistance please contact captivateprimesupport@adobe.com .
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