December 17, 2018
Manchester Uk user group
December 17, 2018
Manchester Uk user group
I am a Learning Technologist for a medical training charity.  Training is my passion I love to develop e-learning 
Newbie 27 posts
Followers: 28 people

Hi all I’m looking to set up a user group in the North West of England. (I asked a few years ago) This would be for all versions. With a focus on instructional design, elearning development, trends, sharing best practice and networking.

Drop me a line here or

Twitter @libretraining


1 Comment
2018-12-29 09:29:42
2018-12-29 09:29:42

I have a lot of fans in the UK (though no clients anymore due to the next Brexit). If you ever want me to give a presentation for your user group, send me a note please.

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